
Speaking of the environment Emily and Janine were in, I don’t know anything about anything here, but is it wise to put two highly irradiated women back to the tricky work of baby-making?

This is, I think, part of what happens when you do a literal adaptation of a metaphorical work of fiction. In the book, Gilead just exists. Offred has no idea of it’s scope, power structure, or overall health. All she knows is she’s deep in it. Take that and try and world-building for TV mostly using one character’s

No. There doesn’t. Or maybe, yes. But it isn’t a common name by any measure. If it was another June, Janine, or Emily, ok. But Odette?

OK. Thank you. I’ll accept that. Clumsy as it was in execution (that photo has us all a bit riled) if that’s what that was, ok. You may have just helped me get an extra hour or two of sleep tonight.

Yeah, the captions made it clear an Odette was included in the names of the dead. If not meant to be the same one, what a weird choice.

I haven’t bought my ticket yet because I live in NYC and have to get a second job to pay the $37 before popcorn.

That too

Now? Yes. Age. He’s roughly the same age as Craig. Also maybe too famous in his own right for the role (though that didn’t stop Brosnan, I suppose).

The concept where Napoleon was going to bring the whole of Russia under his rule was interesting. The concept where 90's band, Oasis, was going to be the new Beatles was interesting, too.

I don’t think so. The criticism here is less “this isn’t the Trek I remember!” And more “Why is this tv show so poorly executed?”

Yeah. You nailed it. Even in terrible season 1's, TNG and DS9 managed some great world building (DS9 especially). This show is being run by people, I think, who believe what tv needs is more of a video game structure. Move from moment to moment, collecting enough things to win. I just don’t know what we’re supposed to

The way I read it, Williams turned down the chance to get paid (as did Ridley Scott), possibly because the reason for the re-shoots were just and right and good.

What the fuck is wrong with these people? A vegan dog diet? I hate the world. The whole world. I really do.

Leaving all the obviously very true Flat Earth stuff aside, why not just rent a prop plane? Or a hot air balloon? Or maybe take an elevator to the top of One World Trade? Can’t he do...whatever it is he’s trying to do from the observation deck in the Willis Tower?

I haven’t got to Hannibal yet. It’s on the list.

Yeah. I keep telling myself TNG was worse its first year. But it had to replace nearly the whole writers room AND lock Gene Roddenberry in a broom closet before it got demonstrably better. I don’t know if that’s going to happen here.

I asked myself all those questions and came to the conclusion that the last act of that episode was written late, late at night the day before shooting.

Oh stop. I didn’t for one minute suggest what i think it should be doing or how it should do it...i didn’t complain about specific characters or plots. I am not one of those people screaming about technological discrepancies like it’s a documentary or any of that nonsense. I didn’t pre-decide anything. I want to take

None of it got by me, friend. I saw every frame of it, and I’ve thought about it because I want so badly to like it. I guess I define nuance differently, is all. I think Discovery has dropped in some fan-service easter eggs, and a little string-em-along, ham-fisted mystery, sure. But to me that’s not “nuance.” Any

It’s a problem for people who understand the difference between ambiguity and nuance.