Did Elizabeth Warren run over your cat or something? Your continued hatred of her seems personal.
Did Elizabeth Warren run over your cat or something? Your continued hatred of her seems personal.
So the Becky’s decided that a street that they likely never went down or drove on didn’t need to be named for Dr. King & a few Sambo’s decided to help. I mean I am confused other ways to honor him? So I assume these black folks that partook in this will be helping to erect a statue in his honor? Rename a school…
And everyone in the restaurant moved up two places in line.
Cole: “I am a member of a white supremacist group that has trained me to kill Black people.”
Commenting to yourself is just south of stalking.
Shitty gift or deserved gift?
Wait...you’re suggesting our vets get treated like shit because there are immigrants here and not because conservatives continually cut benefits and health care options?
the team had to do Civil War-battlefield surgery on the roster
This is the worst episode of Ballers ever.
White LGBTQ men and women, including white people who are gender non-conforming in some way can certainly be racist.
This person who found enough acceptance to wear makeup in a pic wanted to make a particular set of minorities feel unsafe and uncomfortable.
Shut the fuck up.
“Damaged his reputation”
Soon as y’all start talking about registering niggas to vote, this happens 😂😂😂
From top to bottom, the Trump campaign/administration is just a teeming mass of incredibly shitty fucking people. It’s almost impressive how they haven’t even managed to accidentally hire someone who isn’t complete garbage.
Why do chinless conservative dorks like Miller and Seb Gorka think a goatee makes them look distinguished instead of making their mouth look like a bear’s asshole?
This is a Boondocks episode come to life.
...So are you bringing everyone a plate? Cuz I don’t know why you’d be advertising such a thing, at lunch time no less, if you weren’t gonna make food for everybody.
Inject this straight into my veins. I need this saga to be drawn out as long as possible, bringing the Raiders, AB, and everyone else past their breaking points. I need panicked public statements, I need social media meltdowns, and I need Jon Gruden turning shades of red that even Deadpsin couldn’t photoshop. I love…