
Someone did it in a benefit poster, paired with the words "Help Japan." Sales of the poster (and t-shirt) went to Japan. I think in that case it was alright. In this context though, I think it is in poor taste.

@DrNemmo: Hey, leave my sky-dwelling autocrat alone! He isn't hurting anyone! His followers are...

On the website they talk about Duralumin, which is "twice the strength of aluminum, despite being light in weight."

I handled this thing at CES. It was flimsy and the bottom panel was plastic.

I think that the reason was so that app developers would make iPad specific versions. Even if not pixelated, an iPhone app blown up is still awkward with huge buttons, etc.

@PacJack360: Even if you torrent it you still have to enter in credentials.

@FTO_dude: The $99 is to become a developer, which in turn gives you access to a feature not yet released.

Oh sorry. That is the first time I have tried to report a comment.

I tried these on at CES. The display really works well. It is out of sight unless you look down and right.

Did you even read the article?

Oh there we go! I missed that connection. Sorry.

Kuhl Design built this room, not the Dad. He had it commissioned, just like the house.

Well, you did dare me.

Why would you buy an iPad 3 months before the refresh and be pissed off? They release new products like clockwork.

Meh. A little too contrived. Also the sound sucks.

Sarge, my strap is caught on the ...OH SHIIIiii...

I really liked the text following the axe.

What do you think about the fishing line in the shot?