
@drac-u-lala: Shoot something with a point and shoot and a full frame camera at f/2 and you will see plenty of difference. Sensor size makes a difference.

@drac-u-lala: And when shooting wide open—you have to back up more to get your subject in the frame, and thus you lose some of the shallow depth-of-field blurring.

I can think of a couple large-scale disasters in the past year where the people involved would benefit from something like this.

I've always laughed at the idea of calling someone a hipster as an insult, just like I would with jock or any other high-school clique type categorization.

@midtown: Okay, that's it. Best. Comment. Ever.

@pettiblay: I wonder if the burglar said "Damn, he must have 'painkiller' on. Bastard."

@knightvash: Ha! I have always loved Zippos too, though I have never smoked. I don't carry it around, but I always have one in a drawer somewhere.

@JimmyBanks6: It is only available to beta testers.

It seems as though they should have just made the video in the first place. After watching it I made the decisison that if I ever get any of those magnets, I will get Zen Magnets because they seems to be of better quality. Their Ebay offering wouldn't have helped sell them to me as much as this video did.

I did this to my iPod touch. Love it.

I am guilty of always twiddling with my phone. Usually it is because I am bored. I require some sort of mental stimulation at all times. Yes, I am a product of my generation.

I am jealous of your motorcycle adventure. Except for the pigshit part. Well, maybe a little of that too.

@talkingstove: I was sad when they discontinued their computer line too.

@Live N Learn: Your inability to formulate logical argument astounds me. I said "but that is irrelevant" literally right after.

@Live N Learn: I am clearly the one who needs to grow up. /s

@bizzo98: I myself have fallen into the trap of comparing luxury items to other luxury items. I thought of this as cheap because I have been looking at a Saddleback Leather satchel for $315. When I realize that a bag to carry stuff costs $20 at Wal-Mart, it makes me pull my head out.

Just send out R2, he knows what to do.