
Elections have consequences.

Even the ones in which the majority of America voted for someone else.

Is there no way we can boot these turds out of office already??

That’s interesting. My F-150 with the exact same engine has a 12,000lb (5443.1084 kg, to be exact) towing capacity. But what do I know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’m just an idiot who keeps clicking on garbage clickbait from Jason Torchinsky. Enjoy all that ad revenue you’re getting from my ad-blocker.

ummm... yea, but compare tow ratings.... or crash worthiness.... or handling... or the ability for the load to not tear away from the bed in an accident... or any other myriad of things besides just payload.

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

Please, fellow progressives, I’m begging you: Ignore this. Just ignore it. That is the one thing Trump doesn’t want here.

Jane Doe is fighting the good fight. Because I also want to remain anonymous if I win hundreds of millions of dollars.

It would be, if they would just bring back the HHR.

What is GM doing right? I think Mary Barra is owed an apology from a lot of people. She has been doing a great job and gotten a lot of criticism for her decisions, and now they are paying off. Cutting all those countries that were never profitable was the smart thing to do. The product line is also about the best they

The hyperbolic character of his assessment leads me to wonder how long he’s been familiar with mechanical engineering

“It was a currency backed by nothing”

He tried remember? Don’t boo, vote. Too many white women and Bernie Bros ignored him. Her emails or something. Right Susan Sarandon?

And then my husband saved the day.

...edited! Nothing to see here. Of course, your response has solidified my error in permanent digital form. Thanks to Kinja, there’s no way to delete the record of incompetence, so certainly it will dog me for eternity. 

They chartered the train. You think that’s cheaper than flying coach?

Members of congress going by rail is the most amazing thing about the story. Nice to hear they aren’t jetting about on the taxpayer’s money.

the minivan i can understand..... the rest kinda boggles the mind

Call it.........Wait for it............Wait.........An Estate! Problem solved.