
Definitely start from the first episode because there are jokes that work best when you know the characters. But its a quick watch. I recommend that you try watching the whole first season. Then if you don't like it, you can move on.

To be fair, child care is expensive in Canada. Just as expensive as the US (maybe higher because the minimum wage is higher here), and our unemployment rate is a lot higher than in the US (unless you live in Alberta). We just have better mat leave benefits, but even still you only get 55% of what your salary is for

7-whole-minutes?!? Can't I just sit here and let my fat dissolve? *takes a bite out of hot pocket with its hot lava goodness*

Beat me to it!!

I think the joke has always been that Jerry has the best life out of any of them, being Jerry doesn't really seem to bad. Although the over the top sugary sweetness of his home-life would probably get to me after a while.

Just do the last thing: start small, in your free time, while keeping your existing job.

Not sure about not living together, but I insisted on separate bedrooms, and it was a godsend. Sometimes you just want to have your own space, surrounded by your own things. We would fall asleep together, but it was nice to have my own area to go when I wanted. Plus he had to wake up for work way earlier than

I love this point. There's definitely a class issue going on here. That is, we only pay attention to this stuff when it's adopted by people who aren't doing it out of necessity. In fact, it can be a luxury—so much of it is about having the space and the budget and the leisure time to invest in new skills. It's a


If he believes that murderers can change then he must be against capital punishment, right Pat?

She spoke about it in length on Dr. Drew's podcast. She's been through a horrifying ordeal. I wish Jezebel would post about that, instead of this kind of article.

I live not too far from this family, and they live now the exact same way they always have. They might have a few bigger parties every now and again (Halloween was a blowout for the whole town in their yard, they just let people drop by) but in general, besides Alana's pageant dresses, they still shop at Wal-Mart,

I'm not a fan of camo, but I think this dress looks really great on her! The fit is amazing and the orange makes it fun.

Sure, there are stores that cater to heavy women. But y'know what? Sometimes I want to wear something from a store in a mall. I want to be able to go into the mall, with my friends, and buy clothes from the stores they shop at. I'm not even that heavy. But I still have to find an XL at most stores.

Everyone else has addressed this comment with the appropriate scorn, but I'd just add — be aware that your situation may change. A body is always in flux. Someone who is "naturally" thin at age 25 may find themselves at age 35 battling lingering baby pounds and at 45 a stubborn metabolism. Although I was never a

she found that "marriage rates grew on average more in states with greater increases in broadband penetration."

The best part of ANY food/cooking article on the internet is the deluge of comments from people 100% positive that the methods described are Wrong and that the only acceptable method of preparing said food is Their Way.