
Aw, I wish I had a mini stylist :P

I work as a career rehab counselor of sorts, and I would estimate that 75% of the workplace bullying I see is female-female. Not to overgeneralize, but it seems like when men are jerks they are very overt in their jerkitude. When women are jerks, they are much more subtle and they go for the slow burn. I guess it's

Meh I knew my parents were way into drugs when they were teens/young adults. I never even tried street drugs and I'm 26. But I can see their point.

Yes, apparently this is the expectation, which is dumb. That being said, I think if you don't like doing it, you should suck it up (hehe) and do it anyway once in a while if your partner wants you to. I don't think they should bully you mind you, but I think you should be willing to try every once and a while for them.

Thanks - I needed a push for being more brave in putting myself out there in the business world. I know your advice is for dating here, but thanks anyway.

comment of the day for sure

There must be some sort of support group for people like us!

Ahh shit you made me spit my drink out. I didn't even know that happened in real life.

Terrifying. I research for hours before I do something new, even for trivial things. No idea how I'm going to make it without breaking down emotionally when I get pregnant.

Yeeesss. I say this all the damn time. I want to go around to all my local schools and give speeches to the kids about going into the trades and primary industry.

Nice find! Thanks!

I had a female gynecologist call me a slut under her breath and treat me quite differently after I answered her "who have you slept with in the last year" question. I also had a female doctor fart very loudly while she was giving me a pelvic exam, but that was more funny than anything.

Explain please!

I didn't drink until I was 20, and the first 6 months of drinking consisted of daiquiris and Smirnoff Ices. *shudder*

I've watched only a few episodes, but I prefer Archer far and above Bob's Burgers in terms of cartoons with HJB in it.

Yes, totally lost interest after the 2nd season. Thought the first 2 were great explorations in character, after that, not so much.

I loooove H. Jon Benjamin right now.

I like what others have been saying (love moissanite!), but I myself love the idea of a lab-made diamond - especially the one where they can put in some of your hair into it. I have no idea if they actually do it but I love the idea of a diamond with my and my partner's (and our pets!!) carbon in it.

I enjoy them both (together and separately), although I don't try to take either too seriously. They are also doing a podcast together now that started a few weeks ago which is pretty enjoyable, but clearly I'm not in the majority with that opinion around here :S

Yes!! I "pair" shiraz with every meal too.