
1.8.1-1.8.9 are all patches on pc... not any additional content. 1.8 was the last content filled update and it was over a year ago. They’re all on a different update cycle so 1.8.8 for PC is totally different than that of consoles. Also i believe 1.8.1-1.8.9 are all backwards compatible with 1.8 so mods don’t need to

Which is soooo frustrating since they usually look great on a TV!

Agreed...here’s to hoping!

Agreed...here’s to hoping!

You mean people don’t want to watch a video of me buing a DIY super combo off of newegg and assembling as expected?

Can’t say anything about the service, but that’s a terrible name for a product

I know this...and I hate it, but they are 2 minutes down the road, and they take all the crap i don’t want in my house... Salvation army or Savers are all 40+minutes away...

well it just turns out they don’t need a guitar

Lego Dimensions is their build anything/do anything minecraft-esque game, not to be confused with lego star wars 72.

Don’t worry comcast manages to offer speeds high enough to need it if you don’t mind selling a kidney...capable of blowing through your data cap in record time!

Don’t worry comcast manages to offer speeds high enough to need it if you don’t mind selling a kidney...capable of

Doesn’t get more american than that

A buddy of mine showed up to a party wearing a white trash bag with cutouts for hands and head. When we asked him what he was he said “white trash.” Simple. Funny, and better than showing up in normal clothes!

well some tank-less units are right under the sink so there’s almost no piping between them and the faucet. its also more likely that that small stretch of pipe is newer. idk the whole article is “you can maybe avoid something that might be bad for you maybe”.... basically if you’re concerned about it use the cold

I believe they did this on purpose to show off more of the prop

Me and my two sisters all paid for school on our own, because our parents made too much money according to some whacked out standard. that only factors in income, and not debt... Meanwhile i had friends blowing the $300 extra in book money on stupid overpriced electronics in the school store. I would. My books cost

My wife “go run over that hooker and see if she gives you money!”

“many of the changes brought with The Taken King are huge, much-needed fixes to problems the game has had since it first launched last September.”

ok, but why can’t they just be incorporated into wallet? This seems to add a whole other app and several layers of confusion and for a bit of added security.

Ok, I’m confused, is this any different than a streamlined google wallet? I thought wallet had nfc payment already integrated