
The point is those interested get a discounted game and a sneak peek at a game earlier than the rest. The developers get beta-testers who provide useful feedback and allow changes to be made before final release. The rest of us end users gets an extra level of polish that may not have been there if it wasn't for the

Had a blast playing this game on Xbox, may even play it on pc if some new content. I was left wanting more and I would Kickstart a full sequel. not that they need it. this sold millions on xbox

kick starter is not a legal agreement that you will receive the finished product. nothing illegal happened here.

doesn't the community nominate them? Shane only narrows down to the top 5 most popular from the nominations i thought.

The nice thing about elder scrolls is you can start at any of them, they are in the same universe but the plots are self contained. skyrim is a great place to start, and if you get hooked jump into oblivion and morrowind after.

Apple cannot prevent App developers from selling a new version of an app. Developers cannot support an App forever. they need to make money to continue development. Apple can discourage this if they want, but they will lose all their developers in a few years since, without money, there's no point in developing.


i used to work at a small family restaurant. the tips always went to the waitress who earned them, on average they would earn %20 of their sales in tips even the males, if a waitress was worried about not making enough because they have a bad section or not enough tables we could use that percentage to kindly suggest

plus, if we're talking about the developers and Publishers making money off their games. shouldn't the used game market be considered piracy?

most kids hate epcot or at least are bored. its more for the adults

reruns of cops, and occasionally other random other shows, and RARELY a movie, but mostly COPS

oh indeed, you want bigger maps? uh...no...YOU GOT EM you want vehicles...not really.... YOU GOT EM..... you want a bunch of indistinguishable guns in the name of balance....noooo.....TO LATE! im sure theres others. at least my whole clan took the leap to 3 together, but after that everyone was alot more cautious

especially with sony rumored to be working on a VR headset. If those build up steam you bet Nintendo and Microsoft will want in

I kickstarted that one. Hoping for the best. socom 1+2 is my favorite multiplayer game ever. even 3 wasn't bad cause the community was still largely intact.

I just want to say that this .gif has been driving me nuts on every other page in the "popular on kinja" section. PLEASE no .gifs in this section...

how is wp8, after leaving android? i wanna take the jump come new year but not sure if i could live without the tweakablility of android

it was something like emailing tips@kotaku.com or something like that.

apparently it was just chrome-hate. worked fine in internet explorer.

Won't let me add black ops to cart. just keeps spinning....

Last of Us. so far its living up to all the praise.