
Good point, forgot about that one

But unique costs money. A Miata is the best way to show someone that they don't have to drive a beigemobile.

Nope, it isn't. But, until the Toyobaru, it was the only car that was a simple, lightweight, RWD, 5-speed roadster within reach financially for the common dude. This is everything we want in a car.

Does a E350 count as a truck? I learned to drive on one of those. I appreciate mirrors more than the average driver

If you shut the lift fan off it drops to the ground and stops faster than a golf cart ever could

That's what I think. It has a different frame for each one and each seems uniquely chopped up

With a grille from a Focus ST

I noticed the paddles on the steering wheel...

But if I am planning on moving into an open spot and you try to close it as soon as you see my blinker, I'm cutting you off.

1. Those spectators knew the risk, but made the decision to take it. 

My thoughts exactly

I know, right!? Come on, guys! This isn't sixth grade anymore

What automakers said these? People claim that, not the people that make the cars though

I am still trying to figure out why this is under LOLCARS, and not RESPONSIBILIWHAT?

The Trigger is pulled, that is that latch to hold it so you don't have to keep your hand on it. if you push the latch down it works like a kickstand. Some states don't allow them.

People do, but how many people? People wanted a muscle car from Pontiac too, but the GTO tanked. Lots of people need to want it

Too much hair

This article highlights a huge limitation of selling something to large numbers of people. Most of these resemble analog gauges. Why? If I am going to get digital guages, I want numbers, lots of numbers. Don't give me three bars on a fuel gauge when you could give me the number of gallons that you used to figure out

This happened to me this summer. Ran out of time and money, no one wanted it. $150 pile of scrap

Well lets see....I bought the car damaged because the guy had crashed it in snow, and then sold it three years later because I spun out on a bridge and destroyed the same corner again. Didn't feel like fixing it and sold it for $100 less than i paid for it.