Well maybe they’ll do Crisis on Infinite Earths at some point.
Well maybe they’ll do Crisis on Infinite Earths at some point.
That penultimate shot of this incredible gathering of Earths’ (plural!) mightiest heroes struck me to my core. It’s not cool to be sentimental, but in light of Citizen Cold’s overwhelmingly genuine persona, I think it’s OK to let loose a little.
Well, Clark will be fighting Thawne in the future, so it might be possible.
I don’t know if I agree with the evil romance in theory. Yes, it humanizes them, but still makes them evil humans.
She didn’t re-appear, but the actress’ “Special Appearance By” credit in that first episode sure leads one to believe that she’s gonna show up again. And given the key role the Legion is set to play on “Supergirl” this season, I’m betting she’s Jenni Ognats, aka XS — which would make her the granddaughter of…
I assumed they waited for her to cross over to Earth 1 on the theory she’d be isolated from her regular support team.
Given how The Flash episode also underlined Nazis putting LGBTs in a camp for being gay, I thought it was great way also of emphasizing how much better a world we are without Nazis.
So much awesome I can hardly process it all. Supergirl vs Overgirl! Flash vs Reverse Flash! Green Arrow vs Dark Arrow! Killer Frost ice sliding Vixen and Zari up to the Evil Waverider - because even the Waverider has a doppelganer! Snart is all huggy and loving! Mick’s alternate self died saving cops! I could go on…
Like, what’s the status of Krypton in Universe 1? Does the lack of Kryptonians on Earth 1 mean Krypton 1 never exploded, or there were no survivors? Did it even exist at all?
I expected a lot of things from this crossover, but not that the finale would have me tearing up at several points, for a variety of well-earned moments: Seeing a Leo(nard) Snart who is well and truly happy and in love; Russell Tovey getting some superhero shine; and that the death (for now?) of Martin was treated…
They were able to carry all the plot threads through each hour in a masterful way during this crossover. I haven’t watched Arrow in two seasons but I understood their relationship and was glad to see the moment tie together in the ending. The same goes for Marty and Jax’s ending. It was really an emotional ending to…
I’m not sure what everyone has been complaining about - I thoroughly enjoyed this Justice League movie.
Delightful. I’m genuinely shocked that a huge superhero event like this highlighted and underlined the fact that some of these people are queer, and their love matters to and motivates them.
THANK YOU for finally abandoning the conceit that this is “not a regular episode” that the three other reviewers used as an excuse for knocking off points.
If your entire motivation is to save your Nazi Supergirl wife, and you need a Supergirl for that, why would you attack the Earth that normally has zero Supergirls? Like what if Kara had to work that day and couldn’t make it to the wedding.
I expect it’ll get some hate but I really liked the whole double wedding at the end. Nice to see their relationships bought full circle from that 1st crossover where Oliver told Barry that guys like him don’t get the girl. THEY DID.
...I actually really liked that scene...I thought it was interesting that they actually took the time to consider the realities of, y’know, the ethical violation of ressurection.
For what it’s worth Ragnarok and Justice League both heavily rely on Kirby creations but if you compare both Ragnarok was the only one of the two that used the visual design of Jack Kirby to make their film visually appealing.
Are we including Superman 1978 and Batmans 1989, 2005, and 2008? Those were pretty good...
I would usually be OK with an average blockbuster. But this is the Justice League. This should be an watershed moment for comicbook films. It should be an event.