Downloading roms and midi files, watching jpegs appear section by section, and storing all manner of .txt files from GameFAQs for later use before disconnecting to free up the phone line.
Downloading roms and midi files, watching jpegs appear section by section, and storing all manner of .txt files from GameFAQs for later use before disconnecting to free up the phone line.
looks like Goldeneye is about to ruin some friendships again
"Crazy Nintendo investor desperately wants to be punched in face."
Nintendo going F2P. It's the 7th seal of the apocalypse.
"Just think of paying 99 cents just to get Mario to jump a little higher." No. Let's not think of that. Ever.
I plan on changing my smartphone when it dies, which may take a while as I think HTC built the Desire out of Nintendium.
Is this real life???
So a typical WOW fan wanders outside into a public area and suddenly its cosplay?
Like this?
As someone who owns all current systems, 3DS by far gets the most time. Awesome system.
I don't think you really read the title?
Except this was about the Xbox 360, not the Xbox One.
Funny, they are treating the Xbox One version like they used to Treat the Wii Version of multi console games.
Even though, they can always do that with future games being released on WiiU, PS4, XONE and PC, still, funny seeing how tides have turned until the next one
It's as good of an answer as anything else.
Seriously though, Citizen Kane of video games, what does that even mean? So Citizen Kane is a movie that inspired and elevated the medium of film into what it is today. And there are no examples of that in video games? Really? We haven't come that far?
Nonsense. All of it.
Same here I completely agree. As I've said before, the industry is shit.
That's how i feel about all those Halo and Call Of Duty games, not to mention all those playstation games.