
Now that you mention it, has Peter Parker acted like SpiderMan anywhere else besides New York? I'm not a true comic follower, its kinda hard to get comics where i live, and I always wondered how he would stand anywhere else.

Read the original manga, and you'll see

please, don't look over to Mexico, just don't

like, i really need episode 2 already!

Now playing

Wonder if they took the idea for the powered high heels from here

Besides, the ammount of pretty awesome indie games that are there and more to comme to the WiiU is amazing. Alongside the bast library on WiiWare games on the Wii Mode

She is Doing a GenkiDama (Spirit Bomb)!!! Goku Confirmed!!!!!

oh, right, that Rosalina's Luma

where Starfy and racoon power up confirmed?

this one need to appear on the next "That's on Miiverse"

WiiU owner #75 (c whay i did there?) here. Not mad, just perfect, i have bout Bayonetta 2, MK8 and a lot of awesome indie games to keep me entertained

man, when battle power was about 600 for bouth Goku and Piccolo

7:42 I see slender!!!!!

my newly acquired corei7 meets quite perfectly the recommended setting... still i'll be grabbing the WiiU version

This must be corrected to "anywhere but United States of America and Mexico", because even my tax wont cover cancer treatment. Want cancer treatment in Mexico, better have a full medical plan

Just like not every chinese person is a kung fu master, not every japanese person has a master degree on drawing, :P

Its not that he's bad at drawing, each mangaka has his own drawing style. Just look at Akira Toriyama's Arale, Utena, Shin-chan, hell, even the first mangas, like Kimba, the Lion King, Gatchaman, Astroboy and Doraemon looked like kids drawing.

aaaaaand... i'm out of the fun cuz i'm on gingerbread