woops, my bad
woops, my bad
AS far as I know, the DeathStroke DLC is exclusive to PS3
Freaking yes!!!
I preffer Toon Link to Link. I preffer to call him Feather Link, xD
looking for ghost pepper ASAP!
This wouldn't work with most mexicans. At least, myself and my wife always eats almost everything with spices.
actually, is correctly written, your correction is wrong
Use a when the next word starts with a consonant, like in this case "a xbone" is correct, as xbone starts with a x.
To this day, I still think Final Fantasy was composed to be played specifically on harps!
Missed opportunity
The youngest should had drssed like Luigi, not both like Mario
Still... looking for the mp3 of this song!!!!! Loved this harp composition
Well, here in Mexico will cost $7500.00 Mexican Pesos, which, given todays rate of change of $13.083 pesos a dollar translates to $573 dlls, so i can say we are kinda good over here, but still, quite expensive
I had the Titanuim Pack, and later got the beach expansion, loved that water gun!
Damn!!! i had that poster, with all the developers signs, i was the cool kid back in school with this.
I never liked RTS that much. RA2 was the 1st and only I came to love and revisit several times since the first time i played, and I love it!
I'll be expecting the "battle in the mud with bikinis" expansion, then i'll consider. In the meantime, Rumble Roses it is
now this will surely make my Gear pretty Solid. Metal Solid!
Sorry, that would be TMNT: Arcade on a original Arcade, followed by Turtles in Time... also on a original Arcade and not the bat shit that came on PSN/XBLA