
Amen to that!

Good luck, as is Nintendo the one handling development and publishing the game.

Kamiya already said, if you want Bayonetta 2 in ps3 or 360, ask nintendo, no them, and, in the meantime, ask also for Zelda in PS3, everyone says it would look better there, right?

The only trip i will allow is becuz banana's on the ground

Really hoping one of megaman alternate costumes is the one in the first Megaman nes cart Cover

I hope the feature of BOP2, on player on GamePad and the other on tv, transfer to this, that was a awesome.

Loved it!

Need trailer song sooooooooooooooo baaaad!!!!

you poll is bad, and you should feel bad!!!

nope, in my work, watching the live streamings

Given that most of EA games will be getting a XBone release, i don't see how many are saying MS Press Conference was lackluster.

So far, XBone is winning this round


they can change their minds!

I can dream, can't I?

sweet! Please, Lord of shadow 3!!!

don't know if troll or retarded

how cute, you still have some humanity points

Funny thing, he was reaching, if i'm correct, to a shelve that contained 360 games.

ok, you scared me!

"but... my name is Charles, not Dave!"

same, can't go further