

I name it PedoBearMovil 2.0!!!!

its considered winning when you are on green numbers.

since the start, Sony has been losing money with the PS3, looks like it'll continue until the ends of its life cycle

Sweet, finally i'll be able to getmyself a copy of twilight princess

the whole trailer i was thinking of "house of the death: overkill"

take into account this game comes with a wwiimote plus, so you are getting tis game for $10 cuz the other $40 are for the wiimote plus.

a waggle gimmick those "real consoles" you so talk about followed just a year back, and look, it was mostly to grab a hold of the new market nintendo introduced video games to, shame they are failing hard!!!

since it launched!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its official, its the PSPGone!!!

No master sword on list is instant fail

Now playing

And here i though that Onslaught was the current gen Centipede

Is it safe to assume the buyer will duct tape all of this and release it as nintendo new console???

entered on this thread, read the article, looked for wii jokes on the comments, there noe of them

you guys are awesome!! totally followed me, xDDDD

I want my WiiNi now!!!!! (Ni is 2 in japanese FYI)

Well, given that this days, create a system as powerfull as the xbox360 cost way less than $150, and creating a ds cost less than $100, and a wiimotion plus cost less than $20, i cant see how they will charge huge ammounts for the next console.

I'm not saying on the fact that you were dissapointed of he Wii. I'm saying, in the fact that nintendo can put its brand on a toaster and it will sell a lot!!!

I'll just one other thing