
It is a nice article, but it is a shame about the building. Didn’t anyone involved have the nerve to speak up for humanity before this exterior treatment could become a reality? I wouldn’t have thought it possible for a building’s appearance to keep me from wanting to see a treasure trove of amazing cars. I was wrong.

When I lived in Pacific Beach, I had a neighbor that had a Ferrari 456 GTA and a Pontiac Aztek with a missing hubcap. The Ferrari was always parallel parked on the street while the Aztek enjoyed the safety of the driveway. I would say that now it all makes sense, but I think Breaking Bad was still in production at the

I suppose it just might be worth a half a million dollars in the future, but so might a loaf of bread.

This car isn’t going to see the appreciation of the David Brown cars. It’s relatively mass produced, it has no good associations with time, people, place or film, and its mechanisms are made of the same stuff that makes ten year old cellphones desirable.

I suspect the 7,650 lbs figure is gross combined vehicle weight. Something was lost in translation.

Cognitive Dissonance, is that you?

I’m not impressed that they needed a specific rule to determine that she is a moron.

Seek help. You’re deranged.

I’ve been hit twice while on foot and twice while on bicycles sustaining zero broken bones and zero concussions. Yes, 15 mph is fine with me.

We have by far the lowest rate of involuntary commitments of the insane of any developed nation. Obama doesn’t have a monopoly on malignant incompetence, but he’s got the largest portion of it.

Do you have videos to support your alternative view of what they do at Margaret Sanger’s genocidal abattoirs?

Doesn’t the real answer lie in the US’ involuntary commitment rate being a fraction of that of every other developed nation?

I know the point is to say something witty, but just thought I’d point out that he is selling weed here. The truck listing is a facade.

Rightly so. Was he texting when they reached the corner?

That seems to be the entire premise of social justice.

These things are about noise suppression. Criticizing them is announcing one’s ignorance of things automotive.

This is the worst. I can never buy another Mercedes-Benz. I’m not sure I want to be see in my friend’s anymore either. Fuck them for doing this to a company that once had integrity, and fuck anyone that buys their shit.

Even though I just listened to a politician lying about refugees, I still felt better about mankind before I read your comment.

I’ve heard of pouring in Marvel Mystery Oil or Coca Cola as a way of freeing engines that have seized from disuse.