When was America in love with her? In the almost ten years I’ve been hearing her name, I’ve never heard it in a complimentary fashion. Usually it’s commenting on some narcissistic quality or another.
When was America in love with her? In the almost ten years I’ve been hearing her name, I’ve never heard it in a complimentary fashion. Usually it’s commenting on some narcissistic quality or another.
Is this the end of America’s love affair with Lena Dunham?
In partial defense of Dunham, importing and redoing British comedies in the US has a VERY low batting average. Let’s also recall ‘Payne’, the attempted Americanization of ‘Faulty Towers’ back in 1999 that only lasted eight episodes. The combination of wanton cruelty and rigid class consciousness in British humor does…
Claire has become ridiculous. She is just a caricature now. Can probably say the same for Gloria.
The courtroom artist plot was just the dumbest excuse for another pass at physical comedy.
I just pretend that this was cancelled after season 5, it’s the only way to maintain fond memories of it.
Only commenting here because I just binged the fourth season of Schitt’s Creek and saw Dan Levy in the picture.
A while back I read Asne Swirstad’s extraordinary, forensic account of July 22, “One of Us”, and it did such an incredible job of capturing both Breivik’s pettiness and desperation to be something as well as recording the events of the massacre in depth. It shook me to the core, to the extent that I could never…
“Although I’m so tired, I’ll have another cigarette”
Furthermore, the film crew just stood around while noted ‘Love Guru’ star Michael Myers ran about stabbing people! I bet this is because Myers married that axe murderer back in ‘93.
Some people, less than 5% of population I believe, have a gene mutation (BHLHE41) that requires they sleep only 6 hours per night to function completely normally. I know a few people who typically sleep around 4 hours per night that probably have this mutation.
Just to clarify, the scene with Chuck introducing Jimmy to the court wasn’t where Jimmy received his law school diploma. In that scene, Jimmy was about to be “sworn in” as a member of the New Mexico bar at that time, which gives him his license to practice law. In NY where I was sworn in, you don’t have anyone…
She was definitely duped like the rest of us. I’d like to say I saw through it, but the reality it I even teared up a little myself. It was Slippin’ Jimmy’s finest moment. I didn’t know it was total bullshit until he started bragging in the hallway.
I had the opposite read on that penultimate scene. As Jimmy upped his con to the Bar, folding the letter and seemingly letting the real him come out, I believe Kim was finally shedding any doubt she had left in him. She was conned just as much as the Bar. That makes the sudden final scene with Slippin Jimmy exposing…
Can I just say that the execution of Werner is quite possibly one of the most beautiful scenes the BB/BCS crew have ever pulled off? Both jaw dropping and sad at the same time.
Perception is an interesting thing. Many shows would have a shocking moment be an act of violence, a sudden death. This show’s most shocking moment this season was that opening. Here, we see in a few delightful moments, a relationship we have never seen before. It was warm, humorous and even a little brotherly. That…
I very rarely side with the “now so you’re just being silly” side on this issue... but yeah, that piece might be pushing things a bit too far.