
Removing the step-up basis sounds like it will be a nightmare for the middle class. I think part of the reason in creating step-up basis was because of the logistical hurdles in tracking cost basis on everything. If you can’t prove it, you’ll probably have to pay it as 100% gains.

Hopefully it will work as intended on

If you make more than $137,700, you aren’t currently paying Social Security taxes on any income above that amount. Joe Biden would like to remove the $137,700 income cap to pay for Social Security.

Is there a betting site to wager on the year FFXVI comes out?

Delay, and refuse to provide them with any more, until after the retailers that played by the rules get a chance to sell them in store. Or tell them they have to cancel any pre orders made before they were allowed (presuming they weren’t actually allowed to use a phony rebellious streak by Sony).

Sony should “accidentally” delay their shipment so WalMart can have the fun of explaining to all its customers why their pre-ordered PS5 aren’t available on launch day as promised.

Walmart tweeted at 6:53pm yesterday that it wasn’t waiting.

Pretty simple, really. If you think the BLM movement is political, then you’re part of the problem. 

You should see all the faces when I wear this shirt in public (I live in Montana).

I’m not seeing it. Can you elaborate?


The thing is, calling for justice for her is not political. Since when has wanting murders to be arrested political? These things are labeled as such by people who don’t care to or want to talk about or face such things. So saying it’s political is a convenient way to avoid it. Racism and police brutality aren’t

Amen to that. I love how these people get on a high horse about calling others snowflakes, but they throw a temper tantrum over someone wearing a t-shirt or a Starbucks cup saying “happy holidays”.

The more I think about it, the weirder I find people who think demanding justice can be reduced to “being political”.

At least Mercedes said the right thing:

Nice, Lewis! You are the greatest Formula 1 driver of all time so use that position for change. If people don’t like that, they can go fuck their conservative, racist, twinkerbelle asses. Tough shit, eh, republicans?

I agree about Gizmodo. Used to be one of my favorite sites, but i don’t even look at it any more because it’s so hideous and cumbersome. Hate to say it, but it looks like my beloved Jalopnik is getting the same treatment. It’s been fun...

you may have noticed some of our sister sites have been given a similar treatment over the last few months

Fail - still unusable on my phone from all the ads. You could just rename the site Taboola at this point. I doubt they’d mind since they are 90% of the content on each page.

Gotta admit, during these less than happy times Lower Decks has become the unexpected panacea I needed. A dose of Star Trek mixed with some lighthearted humour. A nice little 20 minute escape from life once a week.