
That’s definitely a possibility. But they can fix it by letting people qualify if they have to file for unemployment.

More anecdata. I’m in NJ and work in Manhattan. End of December, first week of January, had a low fever that topped out at 100.3 for a few days, dry cough for a week that progressed to something like bronchitis. Total time was about 9-11 days. Worse than a cold but not as bad as a flu. At the same time, my 2 year old

Nice to see Libro.fm is also DRM-free. Reason enough for me to switch from Audible.

they will feel guilty for the rest of their lives

They already do it themselves. All you have to do is insert an imaginary hash tag whenever you see “open america” and you know the poster is reading from the official script.

Magenta and MagentaPlus are actually T-Mobile’s regular plans. They just happen to include some international services by default. Even their Essentials plan includes some international services.

It’s almost as if people saying this are self-appointed death panels.

For people who need help like this: it helps to keep a running list of things you need so if something becomes available, you don’t have to waste time going through your pantry to make the list.

Nope, I get this too. That negative afterimage is why I don’t use dark mode for any type of long reading.

Analysis of the Stanford study is showing their entire positive cohort may have been false positives. 

A few of those reports have been retracted.

Not an epidemiologist but from what I’ve read, they had varying degrees of mortality, infectiousness and symptom presentation and both aren’t as easily transmitted. One big difference is neither seem to be transmitted while patients are presymptomatic. 

Pulse ox to diagnose COVID-19 is silly. You use it like the doctor says: to know when your symptoms are bad enough to warrant going to the hospital.

Don’t forget the Washington Choir practice. 60 people, no obvious symptoms, according to them, no one sneezed or coughed during rehearsal, they avoided touching and used hand sanitizer. 45 of them were infected and 2 have died. 

At this point, I’ve given up on grocery stores for pickup. But a local road side stand had someone offer to create a website for them and now they’re offering online ordering and curbside pickup. Hopefully they don’t get too swamped but they put their website up over the weekend and their order slots are now a week

Yeah I was having a conversation about tracking with non-techy people and one fear they had was their identity being discovered and someone taking retribution for getting infected. One reaction went so far as to say, the only way to guarantee not being identified is to not participate at all.

Except the new guidance on masks isn’t to protect you from others, it’s to protect others from you. And the evidence on that is that it actually does a good job of preventing your germs from spreading. That part needs to be made clear at least so people don’t think it’s a valid replacement for social distancing and

It’s like asking why there’s no Cut/Copy/Paste button. It’s literally been the same command for probably decades.

There are actually test lungs that can be used. One is called QuickLung.

They actually are. This is part of the CARES act. There’s a program for small businesses to get a loan that is forgivable as long as they do not layoff people or rehire them by June.