
A check for $10 mil might soothe that indignation somewhat.

It’s not the size, it’s how you use it...yup, still leaves you frustrated.

Glad you’re here to correct us on the single (parenthetically most) important part of that statement.

“I never prepared for this!”

Elon having a massive crippling stroke that he survives would be better justice for an egomaniac such as himself. If you’ve never seen someone permanently altered by one, it is terrifying.

Qanoners: “Only Trump and the Republicans can save our children.”

The stupidity of this comment made me chuckle. Good job, bucko!

You actually took the time to write that inane catastrophe of an imbecilic comment, looked it over, nodded, thought “yes, well done,” and posted it. Christ. Let me simplify it for your overworked pre-frontal cortex. I put out gopher poison yesterday. Do you know why? I wasn’t trying to attract gophers that I could

A word I don’t like is the N word. No motherfucking way I’m defending any non-black person’s right to say that consequence-free. Don’t be dumb.

Huh, weird. If I paid to see a comedian, I’d expect to hear shit that made me laugh. If punching down on a minority group that is seeing their rights attacked, faces violence at catastrophically high rate, and generally struggles to just survive in the face of all of this, makes you laugh, I mean you know where to

Bravery” in this instance and around this discussion is just such a stupidly irrelevant topic, it’s impossible to quantify how far up your own ass you even are.

What? I’m in my early 30s and this is the stupidest fucking attempt I’ve ever seen at being “inclusive,” and the article rightly calls it out. Straight up racists have more sincerity than this bullshit. If somone can’t get that quantifying sexuality (for instance), than they’re part of this particular problem. This

Yea it was supposed to be a sarcastic joke, I mean it literally got them into the cockpit. Joke just didn’t land.

Is it a recent thing (the past year or so) that there’s such an obsession everywhere with height? I’m 5'7" so it definitely came up 5ish years ago on apps when I was dating, but I don’t remember seeing so many articles about it till lately.

Give it a shot, or die trying!

Outside of the one Timmy joke, Airplane! is still almost the perfect comedic sendup of disaster movies.

ReAd ThE aRtIcLe”

Adult diapers, you say. Go on.....

I...I don’t even know where to begin to attempt to figure out just what in the hell you are trying to say here.

I feel like there’s something very profound at work here, but hell if I know how to suss it out.