
There are generally two themes in my comment history: Unfucking the working poor and the beauty of basketball.

Sometimes people in front of you drive dangerously, and passing them and driving away from them is the safest thing you can do.

Delete your account

Fuck you.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Except he wasn’t riding like an asshole. Yes, it was a no passing zone but there was plenty of room to make a safe pass, with a clear line of sight down the road.

In what way was he riding like an asshole? He went to court for the passing on a double yellow and the state of Texas dismissed his ticket because of a law that states that you are allowed to pass if the driver in front is going more than 15mph under the limit (in rural areas only I believe)

This is not a bicycle to be ridden. It shall be placed in a lexan case next to the trophy case full of participation trophies. And, fittingly, it is the color of the tears of any father of a gay son. And you can save your outrage, my gay friends are already lining up to sodomize me for that tasteless joke.

“Are we making fun of someone who is obviously mentally ill”... no we’re making fun of an asshole who is an entitled grifter.

i have some 235's here in pittsburgh your welcome to.

“I’ll be honest: from an engineering standpoint, the Nazis did some amazing things that should be preserved in ALL their glory.”

What is tragic is that Ferdinand Porsche was working on designs and prototypes as early as 1926, well before any Nazi involvement. Hitler, et al, decided an inexpensive car such as the Type 1 would fit in well with the kdf movement. The official program had would-be owners receive a stamp book. Stamps could then be

You’re absolutely right.

Diesel exhaust is useless for killing people

Dodge marketing reps will be along shortly to work you over with baseball bats for tangentially linking AMC to their new car

“which is doing nothing but annoying the hell out of me every time I see a nebulous video...”

Instead of COTD, can we start a new IOTD contest? *Idiot of the Day

Clarkson’s whole shtick works for some, I guess. I find his views unsupportable, his attitude repugnant, and his visage repellent. The other two were just Clarkson’s bitch. The whole show was sad and dumb with one underserving bloated bully and his two good natured but dim witted toadies.

is it some kind of tan? i used to always see a woman in a honda flying. i hate speeders in general but her especially.

Do you understand currency exchanges and fx rates and hedging? That’s all fraud and serves no purpose too right?