Oh boy. We’re taking Nancy ‘we’re going to impeach Bush’ Pelosi all serious-like now?
Oh boy. We’re taking Nancy ‘we’re going to impeach Bush’ Pelosi all serious-like now?
Well I never really bought all this Trump vs the CIA bullshit but hey the facts don’t lie.
No stars? Not even one?
I’m going to be ‘in the grey’ for a long long time. Aren’t I?
A sack of ass hats?
Hear hear
Well, yeah... isn’t that the case in the u s of A in general?
Wish I could trade my gti for one.
This happened to me. Twice. I’m a male.
I love it how the ‘hope’ stories start flowing , just in time to ease the trauma of having another ‘Leader’ placed over us against our will, to continue acting against our best interests.
But then , it’s highly unlikely I’d be able to contain myself in the face of such obvious levels of batshit crazy person...
I found him a bit stepin fetchit-y... I don’t think there was a need to oversell the whole reaction thing, or does he always bug his eyes out like he’s living in a 1930's film...?
Are the deplorables dems or repubs?
I swear to god, that entire newscast read like bad, BAD acting.
I’m going to vote trump just to speed things up a nudge.
You’re killin me with the meatball sub man,
Ugh. Damn.
Did anyone have the fortitude to actually read this entire article!?
Yes. Passing someone on the road in a manner that doesn’t endanger them in any way, because you can, makes one an asshole.
Oh. So bikes shouldn’t be on the road at all?