
@FauxReal: I think there's different difficulties in Pro Mode, slowly ramping up to the actual song.

@m4ximusprim3: To be fair, I think it's less that fewer people are creatively using their devices to the fullest, and more just that the creative types aren't the only ones capable of using these devices anymore.

@Top_failure: In Application Settings check the box for "Unkown Sources"

@patranus: The only real rift in this sense is between the 2's and the 1's.

@atrus123: Exactly! This is the whole reason the system is built in Java!

@Picklesworth: Ignoring the fact that the jailbreak website was exploiting Apple's pdf rendering code (and not Adobe's, if you can believe it) to modify anyone's system who loaded up a compromised file, sure.

@GunFlame: What a horrible night for a curse: It actually seems like it's for the best that you can't play XIV yet. It's... somewhat infuriating at present. In a few months I may pop back in for a quest or two. XI has bought XIV a ton of goodwill in my book.

@sereal: WoW had severely overloaded servers. It was difficult to get on, and if you got dc'ed, well, good luck.

@Mooglecharm: I agree- In WoW lag spikes feel much much better, for the simple fact that your machine has a little more actual control on proceedings. In XIV things take forever to load, changing equipment sticks you in place... It just feels awful. And while actual network performance might not be as bad as it

@pandafresh: It was announced several years ago as a cell phone game. Not sure what happened to that though- Let's just say you're both right.

@MichaelPalin: A fair fear to have. I hope that other companies take note of Valve leading by example, but I'll admit it's not likely.

After playing the demo, I can see how the characters would get annoying. There are some classic lines though- Like at the very start of the Conan level-

Step 1: Hey, Steam is having an awesome sale! I didn't need this paycheck anyway.

@Fernando Jorge: I'm pretty sure that Mann-conomy aside, this is why they've implemented the Steam Wallet.

Apple, you're fired.

@Billybird: "I've got a new project in the works," he says, eyes locked on an errant $20 bill, visibly licking his lips.

@benjgvps: Droid Pro. It's for you.