
Liked: Style. This game looks slick. Micro-transactions are also handled well. For the most part you can't buy things that upset game balance too much.

You know? This doesn't bother me so much as the fact that the game sucks ass. An online shooter where you can't switch sides for team balance? Awesome idea, guys. Everyone can heal? Cool, why not. Your character can level up, making them better at healing? Goddammit. After playing TF2 for so long, this game is like a

If the machines can't get this game to boot, I suppose we can all rest easy about Judgment Day.

I think it's interesting how entitled people feel they are to versus play. Is it the Gears of War flavor that's leading everyone to this conclusion?

Any Linux distro will do you up just fine, though I tend more towards Red Hat variants, like CentOS. And sure, Windows Server might work out of the box, but has anyone tried to debug the thing? It's a nightmare with barely any logs. Figure out how to get a Linux box working properly, and you're golden.

How's about the game come out already? This all seems like premature fanfare.

$150 for Panzer Dragoon Saga. What followed was the best damned RPG I've played. Not much comes close, even.

I haven't combed through all the comments, but I'm astonished CentOS was left out- it's essentially a feature-perfect free edition of Red Hat Enterprise, and is a lot better for involved tinkering...

Am I a bad person, scanning for comments that have been de-voweled?

I kinda stopped reading once I got to the bit about a Jet Set Radio sequel. 100 to 1, huh? le sigh.

I'm pretty sure I'll get banned for this, but this has gone on long enough.

My greatest regret is NOT buying Beyond Good and Evil until it was $10 new in the Bargain Bin. I'm sorry, guys. I'm so, so sorry.

Dragon Force. No, not the band- the Saturn game.