
The first thing I thought when I read this was “Tinder”. For both men and women, it operates basically as you describe. (That it’s not a 1-10 ranking or whatever, and instead a pass/fail ranking, does not make much of a difference, IMO)

I know; not you. :)

And remember: Body shaming is fine as long as it’s “punching up”

You can thank the left in part for this, because there apparently are creepy men literally everywhere just waiting to do harm to your kids, so you need to be there constantly.

The media has everyone on the left and right ginned up to believe that there are threats everywhere, all the time. Your school’s going to be shot up! At every Wal-Mart are people waiting to sell your kids into slavery! Terrorists plotting in every city! And keep an eye on those bathrooms!

I’m curious about taking this a step back. Access Hollywood says that the reason they found the bus tape just now is due to an AP story about Trump, and then someone leaked it to the Post.

This interpretation in the article is all wrong.

The trying to help mom bit hit me right in the feels. That is definitely a horrible experience. :(

Once in a club a strange girl who I did not know walked right up to me and grabbed me in the crotch.

The disconnect is that on one side you have people who are taking Trump’s talk on the bus as a literal statement of his actual behavior, and on the other side, it’s braggadocio, however clueless and tasteless it may be.

If it IS true that off-the-cuff interviews “is used to infer bias or future recusal”, then her statements can only serve to increase freedom of expression that others may find distasteful. She specifically, clearly says such protests are legal and should not be subject to imprisonment. It should be given even more

The following statements can simultaneously be true:

Obviously the rule here is that All Bodies Are Beautiful, if by bodies you mean “Young overweight women” and still exclude basically all non-trans and gay men, of any age or weight.

Interesting article, but I would still maintain that even super brilliant people enjoy the feeling of being brilliant, of having some special sauce that someone else does not have. That trips that trigger.

Hate to break it to you but humans are by nature communal and tribal. That means people like being part of groups and expressing themselves with pride as members of those groups.

I must be misunderstanding you because it certainly is not the case that right wing media outlets are gleefully outing gay celebrities or politicians.

I always wonder with posts like these if the people making them realize that they are basically outing themselves as being very poor at selecting people to date. 

Remember: It’s of critical importance to expose the sexual orientation of male politicians by asking them e.g. why they were spotted at gay hangouts, but completely unacceptable to ask female politicians if they have ever had an abortion, because.. That’s totally private and not relevant to any voter interests.

Lucky guy. Means he’s probably pulling in at least $35K, maybe even $40K per year.

“We can’t figure out the paperwork” isn’t sufficient reason to deny somebody a right. Currently it is illegal in Utah to co-habitate with multiple partners even though he is, on paper, only married to one of them, obviating the bureaucratic objections you raise.