
Just watched Schindler's List for the first time yesterday, so I think I'm done with the Holocaust for awhile — too horrible. Thought SL was beautiful and cathartic (as was the Pianist, which I saw in the theater w/o knowing it was about the Holocaust), but one dose of that nightmare is all I'm ready to handle in a

Madonna says he didn't abuse her:

Did he mind?

Except Madonna says he never did that:

Concrete hellscapes mixed in with mountains, ocean, a huge variety of imported plants and trees, constant sunny warmth, beautiful people, striking architecture and landscaping, blazing-smog sunsets, etc

I listened the most to Car Seat Headrest's Teens of Style (new re-recordings of old songs), Slow Hollows' Atelophobia, and Furnsss' ep New Moves

Even the compliments are baffling: Toledo's lyrics include plenty of wisdom, but the example cited here is that he wants to break something and kick his dad in the shins in a non-bratty way….really…?

Agree with the high grade, but what a disappointing review — a disjointed patchwork of unfinished thoughts (esp the last paragraph) that reads like it was written in five minutes after an hour of Internet research. Yikes.

In Arabic tradition Nimrod pulls an Oedipus, killing his father (Canaan) without realizing it and marrying his mother (Salkha) — doesn't happen in all tellings of the story, the part about marrying his mother comes later in the tradition (npi)

There's plenty of great Deerhunter to listen to — sounds like it's just not your speed. You could give it more listens to see if it registers with you, or just move on. If you're looking for songwriting in the style of Spoon, Deerhunter is occasionally sinewy like that (Nothing Ever Happened comes to mind), but

I haven't read it, but Proust

Well, that was a fun trip! I hope that a) you're not joking and b) you succeed.

Isn't everything just a game and then we die?

Would rather see a movie about the OG Arthur, Welsh-style a la Culhwch and Olwen, without all the round table and courtly love crap (or Merlin or Lancelot), just Arthur and company fighting a wild boar with scissors behind its ears, riding a salmon downstream to free a prisoner, scoring the blood of the Very Black

First saw him in Scent of a Woman — spot-on impersonation of a rich-kid boarding-school ringleader. He then played basically the same character in The Talented Mr. Ripley, only with five more years of experience and no longer quite the richest kid in the room (but close enough). He made me feel exactly the same way

think it's from Hey Drag City, but not sure

I always thought this song was partly about someone who wants to make a big splash in the way that frustrated, bullied or depressed teenagers do—telling someone off (I've got a message for you), threatening murder/suicide (pulling the trigger in a classroom or somewhere similar, or inside the bedroom where nothing