
I have to say, this is a major reason why I grew to like Seth Meyers. He features his own talented writers on screen and he seems genuinely interested in most of his guests - not just waiting for them to give him an excuse to talk.

Bill Maher is the worst at that. Pretty much every time one of his jokes falls flat he accuses the audience of being too politically correct or not edgy enough. He can’t even entertain the idea that maybe the joke wasn’t funny.

I think he sprained a scarf.

I just finished watching it and laughed my ass off. I came over here to see what people thought. I don’t really agree with the “don’t show up” message, but she had some really amazingly funny digs at “Donny John” in there.

I watch Meyers’s monologue and “A Closer Look” every night, along with Colbert’s monologue/opening segment. Between the two of them, they are keeping me somewhat sane. Meyers really did an extraordinary job with this segment, though - above and beyond the usual. His insight is piercing, the writing sharp, the

Seth Meyers has consistently delivered during the Trumpster fire epoch.

This man’s continued existence is proof that JFK was not killed by any government plot.

I feel like the lede here should be “Conor Oberst was falsely accused of rape, and OH HEY uses the opportunity when asked about it to be publicly compassionate toward women who’ve been assaulted.”

Killer update on Murkowski being threatened by Zinke, though: he forgot she was his boss, didn’t think things through, and she’s now blocking his appointment hearings and appropriations. Oopsie! Checkmate.

While I can’t say I haven’t watched the video of McCain voting no and relished in McConnell’s sad turtle face about 20 times so far this morning, am I the only one kind of annoyed that McCain is getting all the attention here? I mean Collins and Murkowski deserve a lot of credit for standing up for what is right and

Motherfucker, you leave pugs out of this. There is nothing more pure in this world than the love of a pug.

When a person seeks and is given a job by appealing to the country’s racist, misogynist, xenophobic id, you should definitely be embarrassed if you said “Let’s give him a chance.” Hell, I think people should be embarrassed when they offered the bullshit platitude that they wished him success despite the fact that they

Megyn Kelly is to Fox like Ivanka is to her father’s administration.

In Socialist Hellscape USA, swamp drains you!

Because Ivanka has specifically positioned herself as a moderating influence to her father, as the “neutral” advocate for women whose goal is to bring her father around to a “better” position.

a) Donald Trump is STILL stuck on Hillary Clinton

“I disagree with your existence, but can’t we be friends?”

It’s also worth noting that Chelsea has an MPH and a PhD in International Relations. Yeah, she definitely gets a leg up from her famous family, but she’s not totally skating by on her name.

Too many women, especially women of color, have had a lifetime of practice taking precisely these kinds of indignities in stride,” Clinton said.

An anecdote of why you can’t run government like a business. As told by Jamie Vollmer: