
Come on, Giz! You gotta mention the name of the other woman who was arrested in connection with this: Sauceray Boyd!

Don't be surprised if other satnav providers are doing the same thing.

@MysteriousRonin: Robot Jox from 1990, and Robot Wars from 1993 jump to mind.

@MolassesFatts: Yep. Didn't take long for a gaming site to write an article like this. Wonder how many other sites will do this sort of thing as well.

I'm a pretty big fan of the Boxwave stylus. Works fantastically well.

Chemicals degrade over time and become unstable.

@ka1axy: The fuse isn't the issue. The explosive itself has been degrading over the las 60+ years and could blow on it's own without a trigger.

@eebrenner: And you are under no obligation to read every article posted.

@weirdphil: I got updated through the Dashboard a few days ago, and my disc came in today. haven't tried it yet though.

@Rokeden: You keep using that word; I do not think it means what you think it means.

You can build as many towers to heave as you want, Saudi Arabia, but you won't make it to the tops of them until you treat your women like human beings.

She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid!

I don't have any N devices at home, so I still use my trusty WRT54GL, with Tomato installed. Rock solid and easy to manage.

@Derkaderpader: And that is the only way you will ever play multiplayer Minecraft. There will be no Mojang-run servers. It's strictly player-run.

the email would be handy, but generally all UPS, USPS, and FedEx have all been to my building before I get home, so the paper notices are there when i check the mail. pretty damn convenient, and never have to worry about missing something.

Never have a problem with this. My building has a concierge that signs for all packages and locks them in the mail room. You get a note in your mailbox, and you can get your packages from 9 am to 2am(concierge hours).

Amazon Prime all the way! 3 or 4 decently sized orders and you've paid for Prime already.

the only thing about this remotely more appealing than the T3i is the mic. Would it be usable with a T3i?