That’s worse.
That’s worse.
And when you stop and think about it
If they’ve already reproduced it’s too late.
Unfortunately these minors will pay the price for their parents’ idiocy. They will be the victims of Darwinism....
And Courtney Cox’s face, too.
I’ve been completely kinja’d - my comments don’t show up anymore, in pending, in the grays, anywhere. Let’s see if THIS shows up.
These skirts put the frump in frumpy.
I like Ant and Renee. Hope they are happy.
“They’re spectacular. And they’re real!”
I’ve been in the grays for MONTHS now.
As far as the Pekingnese goes, the best one I saw was a tweet that called him (her?) the “unholy spawn of a mop and a Roomba”.
My money (and heart) was with the Samoyed.
It’s “preternatural,” not “prenatural”.
Nailed it.
Call Hollywood, stat! You just outlined next summer’s blockbuster.
Agree with your first assertion, disagree with your second. I think people (those in power, e.g. old white males) shut down when they hear “reproductive healthcare”. That’s wimmen’s stuff. Most of them don’t even know / can’t explain / don’t understand the biology behind reproduction or the female reproductive system.
Big fan of Universal Standard here. I’m between a 12 and a 14 and their jeans are by far the most comfortable and flattering jeans I have ever owned.
Alexis Rose.
Bet they are nowhere near as wealthy as they’d like us to think.
We had to get by with a cupcake and a Polaroid.
Exactly. CPS has way, way bigger fish to fry than this nonsense.
Thank you. Watching river otters is the best way to start one’s day.