
Oh matt, I love your choice of example video. For that, I forgive you for banning my first account (which, incidentally, has a star on Gawker.TV and io9 :P)

Holy mother of God. If I didn't just spend all my money on an apartment in the city I'd buy this T_T

Didn't Bloomberg say the same thing like... 5 months ago? Oh wait, no, that was the Wall St Journal that was full of shit that time. Guess everyone's taking their turn riding the bullshit train.

*watches as every single iOS user hits their AT&T data cap*

Clearly this is a sign that a hybrid approach, one of an open platform that has a curated market, would be best... like WebOS... *flees before the inevitable flaming*

Works on WebOS too, just fyi :P

So if the oil spill is flowing at around 2,000,000 gallons per day (roughly the middle of the estimates from the 15th), and according to this [] an oleovator can process about 1,000 gallons of Bunker C oil per hour, which is lighter than crude as I understand it, but given that it was written in 1972,