
Well seeing as how firing Steve Jobs lead to him founding NeXT which would form the foundation for OS X, I'd call firing him a win. He accomplished more good in the long term from Apple by not being a part of Apple and then being reabsorbed years later.

I love how TimeWarner's excluded not because they stuck up for their customer's personal information, but because they're too lazy to comply with the request.

@Mark 2000: Except that Mac OS is actually an entirely different OS built on an entirely different platform with a completely different GUI. It's less of an issue now because the number of people running the original Mac OS is minimal at best, but there are still people using Centros in the wild among other Palm OS

@Piledriver: WebOS != PalmOS fyi. That's kinda like MacOS when referring to OS X. They're not the same thing.

@bender123: Let me guess, you're a Mac user right?

Nintendo machine... NINTENDO MACHINE.