you've got pizza

That walk-by was the equivalent of dropping an atomic bomb sized “fuck you”. ICE. COLD.

Interviewer: Now that you are retired, are you concerned about CTE?

A picture because I was too lazy to read the thing and probably there is more people like me out there.

HOLY SHIFT! The F-Type looks like a BMW Z8!!

“Fine, Chip. We’ll make sure it’s a White Christmas.”

So instead of trading Kaepernick to the Eagles, we’re bringing Chip Kelly to him.

I am shocked that the bold strategy of trading away your best players and bringing in scrap heap pickups at important positions somehow backfired completely. It’s almost as if it’s about the personnel and not the system in the NFL, and that it’s a different game coaching professionals than college kids. I can hear Al

Tennessee Titans.

Be careful, questioning the wisdom of almighty Tavarish on anything he writes will get you in trouble on this blog...

I was wondering when this was going to show up in a Tavarish special.

Now playing

Look, polar bears are great. But the greatest of all the bears we’ve seen in 2015?! Sorry Tom, but it’s gotta be the porch bear, especially at the 3:00 mark, when the bear scrambles away, but then ever so deliberately turns towards the camera, and unleashes a nasty shit by the side of the house. This bear wins.

It already has bitten them — they drive a first-generation Rogue.

ODB is a big baby, jesus.

SMDH, Will. I just mentioned this to you last week.

They’re engine-builders, and it’s a market in which they can make money. I wasn’t aware that they needed more of a reason than that..

Some old Rolls Royce

but it’s hard to feel too bad for a guy who’s never shown any interest in giving his own fans (or anyone else’s) even a half-decent team to watch.

The BRZ is the car enthusiasts love to complain about not existing yet complain even more when it does, then complain like whores when it goes away.