How would the “limit per shipping address” affect those who have PO Boxes? Because that could be an easily exploitable way.... Just rent 10 or more PO Boxes for a month, get the GPU’s shipped to a different PO Box and boom.
How would the “limit per shipping address” affect those who have PO Boxes? Because that could be an easily exploitable way.... Just rent 10 or more PO Boxes for a month, get the GPU’s shipped to a different PO Box and boom.
““Pro-life” people say that there is zero reason for abortion, ever, full stop.”
You’re thinking of the first game.
“Watch the ring video, there are quite a few kids with no supervision, almost all of them white. [...] but I don’t think the parents of these kids should let them play outside on this street.”
So a man shoots a child from inside his home, after threatening him, and he’s out of jail after three days and $10K bond?
How does she deserve it? She did exactly what she was suppose to do... followed the law to the “T”.
But on the same token, how many times do you hear about police hurting someone (or worse, killing) only to find out that “Oh, no... the body cams weren’t working (for one reason or another).”
This is really dumb.... if you have such an issue with them “automatically” trying to upsell you a larger deal, you have never worked in sales. Asking “Medium or Large” is just the same as asking “What size would you like?” but in less words.
Man, I’ve been loving the shit out of this game. Even when my team’s losing, it’s never controller throwing, keyboard breaking..... it’s often just lucky shots or mistimes.... sometimes they make great matches even if we lose.
What is it with this “trend” of games being pushout unfinished and getting live patched?
Please... step up the game... I’m awaiting the FOX News/OANN/NEWSMAX where it’s from her perspective and she was stopping a member of antifa/blm who was on his way to deliver a drone bomb or something....
This literally happens all the time.
How have they not charged him with some sort of racist shit?
The irony of this title for an article about someone who clearly is upset at the current state of journalism, has a title that misrepresents the actual accounts of what happened.
I will admit I don’t know much about bikini’s but this just looks like the suit is a bit small or just tied to tightly.
I played the whole thing solo for the longest time.
The problem with this is that he was exerting force over others. When police were trying to get him to move back to a safe distance, he refused saying that he was a journalist. Journalists don’t get to go where ever they want. Especially in a situation like this, they are required to follow law enforcement.
So if having a black relative (specifically the mother) doesn’t make you black, what makes you black?
Star Citizen will never come out.
My girlfriend is obsessed with Cup o Noodles and Ramen because they are so quick and easy.... yet super salty. I’m slowly trying to move her over towards these because they are so much tastier and basically everything you said here.