Not a copyright... it’s a Trademark, which is a big difference.
Not a copyright... it’s a Trademark, which is a big difference.
No one is talking about her looks but your... Literally only talking about her content. This could be literally anything, from bad composition, to bad pricing, to not posting, etc. To assume it’s talking about her looks shows a lot about you. To suggest suicide, you can go fuck off... seriously.
There’s a bit more to it than that. She’s also a large influencer on a few social media’s to..... Having that large a following is bound to have Nintendo notice, not just the nudes.
I got arrested for jaywalking, but that was just a cover because it was during spring break and the officer clearly wanted to try and get some drunk in public tickets.
Don’t forget that he injects himself with hydroxychloroquine.
First off, not a fan of Rowling’s recent... well... anything. So I’m not going to defend her. But the people who’ve been working on this game for years (at this point), would you expect them to give any other answer?
I’m sorry, I think you might have taken my comment out of context.
What? This confuses the fuck out of me....
You didn’t read the article did you?
You’re also forgetting a bunch of things. Just having 4 doctors for 24/7 sure costs a lot.
There’s much worse things that a little kid can get ruined on.... one game where you have no idea who the other players are, or their age, or anything about them... Really doesn’t mean your ruining a little kids day.
If she’s the one that’s putting all this out there, who are you to tell her to stop? Just because you don’t like the narrative, you’re saying she shouldn’t be able to speak?
I personally don’t see a problem with it. You’re not hacking, you’re still playing the game. Sure, I’ve been grief’d so much, I finally won my first game over the weekend (worse record than TimtheTatMan).... but TBH, it doesn’t matter to me and half the time it’s hilarious to struggle and get out and cross the line or…
This is the exact reason why FunHaus is some of the best content out there. They go over the top for things just for fun and are clearly a bunch of friends.... Good times.
You see the Snorlax females are much like the female lion of Africa. Most of the male lions lounge around all day while the females do the hunting. They’ve also perfected the stealth while moving through long grass to keep hidden from anything they don’t want to be seen by.
You took a friend who just started playing on a farming run?
There’s a ton of veterans who come back and don’t have a great outlook on what the army/military do. It’s part of trauma. Regardless of if the person is pretending to be military or not, you’re being a huge hypocrite.
I mean, it’s not different at all. I’m sure the big streamers like Ninja, Shroud, and others have trained many many hours to be good at what they do.
One can only hope that when this inevitably goes back to court, that the new judge will see this “new argument and evidence” and say “You know what, you actually deserve MORE time.”.... but doubt that will happen.