
I’m not trying to protect him at all, if he did those things (and I tend to believe the accuser) fuck him out of biz..... But as you point out, it’s appart of any culture and it’s important to come together as a culture less than putting up walls of the “us vs them”.....

It seems to be about him, other sites are naming him (whether she did or not).... But it’s clear she’s not naming him because she doesn’t need to. She makes it very clear to those who know him even remotely. Kinda smart on her/AV for not naming him because it could be libel (as other commentors said)

I’ve always been a fan of Hardwick and the message he’s touted but geez, I honestly didn’t think this.... Fuck him right up the bumhole....

Just as there is a subset of any group... I just would rather take down the walls of the “us vs them” thoughts. As much of a pipe dream as it may be... I think we need to come together as a nation to grow and become better.

If that’s the distinction that you’re getting, I apologize cause that’s not what I’m trying to make it out to be. I’m more interested in bringing people together and staying away from that “us vs them” mentality that is literally destroying us.

I actually didn’t know who it was, hence my asking.

If it is Chris Hardwick, I agree, fuck him. That’s a horrible thing to do. But don’t say it’s nerd culture because it’s not... it’s the entitled culture, which can overlap, but it’s important to know there is a distinction there.

Is this post she did about Chris Hardwick? I mean, he’s the only one that comes to mind... but he’s also the only one I know she dated.

I personally don’t see anything wrong with his tweet. I forget people’s names all the time, even ones I see on an almost daily basis. This, to me, just seems like he forgot who she was and just fired off a quick tweet without thinking.

This seems like a witch hunt to me... And directed the wrong way IMO. No one is disputing that he yelled at her, he’s even admitted and apologized for it. Why not go for footage of his sexual misconduct, which apparently happened on set?

I’d boycott them myself, except that I haven’t eaten at any of these establishments that have been in the news for at least 15+ years... Starbucks? Nah, Dunkin Doughnuts.... Denny’s or Waffle House? Nah, IHOP (or now IHOB)

Light wouldn’t be overpowered per se.... He has to know the person’s name and have time to write down their name... So Goku (who’s real name is Kakarot) would be essentially immune, and Luffy and Naruto (among others) can move in the blink of an eye and get over to him before he’d have the chance....

I’m curious how many of those are just the Twitch Prime from Amazon’s free sub deal this is. I’m sure most of them are real subs and stuff, but I’m curious as to the massive amounts of subs he got from that Amazon/Twitch Prime deal

Fuck Comcast.... As much as I want to see all the Marvel properties back together, my hatred for Comcast is much more. Disney! HEAR ME! Put up a Kickstarter if you don’t have the money, I’ll give you a few bucks.... And I’m sure I’m not the only one’s who hate Comcast like this. Think of it as a big troll to them!

Correlation does not imply causation, but to each their own. I understand your sentiments....

While I disagree with that statement, we’re all allowed our own opinions.... But again, this isn’t “weed culture” it’s someone who wanted to get over on a restaurant and probably used that as an easy way to fuck over the place.

Um.... walking out on a bill isn’t “weed culture”... it’s “being an entitled ass culture”.

As much as she’s clearly playing a character, it’s possible Instagram deleted the stuff themselves isn’t it? Because on that same GMA interview, she claims she’s running the social media side of things, and the terms of service say that you must be at least 13 to have a profile....

Does it have to be a mattress bought at R&F? Cause I totally just bought a new bed, new mattress also... .So wouldn’t that mean I get this deal?

Personally, I think that this show is exactly what you say it could be.... She does struggle with RL beauty standards, and after the first SJ forms a friendship with multiple female characters who reaffirm that she is beautiful. You see her slowly become more comfortable with both herself and her abilities....