
I don’t know.... I’m starting to think Racism is a faith at this point. They have their own symbol, the confederate flag.... They have a head figure, our current POTUS.... have special laws that only they abide by, calling people foreigners when they aren’t, trying to kick them out of “their country”, etc.... Hell,

I’m not using the “” as like air quotes, I’m using them for focus as one term.... Not ignoring that “white privilege” isn’t a real thing, it is. But it’s not regaled just to whites though, in a term of information. I, as a white man, don’t understand a lot of the issues that face minorities, females, non-binaries,

That’s fine, I’m more than happy to say that, but my comment still stands. I was unaware, or ignorant, that masseuse had a gender attached to it.... so how would I have known to google it? Especially because I’ve never been corrected before. Now that I know, I can stop the portion of “white privilege” and call them by

There’s a clear difference between being a quitter and telling someone to suck an egg because they aren’t caring or putting them in threatening situations.

I thought Masseuse was the profession, I had no idea there were two names for different genders of this profession (what is the profession called then? might need to google that).

This one is my favorite:

“While I personally believe that no white person should ever be onstage at a rap concert unless they are playing the guitar, adjusting the pyrotechnics or bringing out a bottle of water...”

Fair enough, I never really had HBO until the mid 90's.... which is apparently when it started (1996). My mistake, thanks for correcting me. Didn’t realize it.

But HBO has always been marketed as more of a “superior TV”.... Remember the “It’s not TV, it’s HBO”.

Now playing

I love that first line of his post “...seeing myself online opened my eyes...” as if this is the first time he’s been shown to be a racist. Here’s a video from a year ago where he runs into a guy on the sidewalk and was claiming the guy was an illegal (He wasn’t) while he was the one that was actually in the wrong!

I do agree with what you’re saying here, but at the same time, try to explain Supergirl without explaining Superman... lol it would probably sound just as weird.

So far, IIRC, they’ve only spoken about her in the cross-over, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they are trying to test the waters out for her own show or see if she works well for one of the shows.

I have to say as cringey as Renee has been this season (with all the Hoss talk) it was nice to see him have a few really good character moments like when he called his daughter when he thought he was going to die, and his talk with Quentin about not calling him “Hoss” at his funeral. It was a nice little touch that

I’m sorry, I think you should reread my original comment. I never said I was kidnapped. Just that I was locked in Best Buy and not allowed to leave until given the “OK” by a manager. We were unable to leave because they locked the doors and gate, and no one but LP and a manager had keys.

The title of the video has the guys name in it... I’m sure if you just youtube his name, you’ll come across a large variety of “fun” stuff.

The key thing was implemented because the store was robbed a few times (turned out to be employees), and the fact that we’d had two incidents (while I was working there) where someone drove through the front doors...

What? The store would close at 10pm, they’d lock the doors (thus not allowing customers in the store, and preventing the employees from leaving).... The only way to open the door or gate was a key that Supervisors and Loss Prevention held. LP was told that the only people allowed to open the gate after store hours was

I’m not going to continue this commenting because it’s clear you don’t understand what I’m trying to say. But if we were in another country that spoke another language, if someone told you “I would like X with Y and Z” and you didn’t understand part of it, repeating it wouldn’t help you understand, so you change it so

Actually, I’m on the other side here. In the article, and the twitter post, it says that the two employees were speaking spanish to each other. While if you are interacting with customers, you should speak to them in the language that’s easiest for them to understand, that’s manners.