Yeah, they both basically admitted that they are guilty and have stepped back. Lasseter is taking a 6 month “sabbatical”....
Yeah, they both basically admitted that they are guilty and have stepped back. Lasseter is taking a 6 month “sabbatical”....
Now, I’m here to be a little pedantic about your comment. Specifically the “When Disney gets the rights they’ll put non-sex offenders...”
It’s actually stated in the article that they would be required to change all the roads from residential or whatever they are, to private roads. Then they’d be able to do permits or these yellow armbands.... sorry, I meant yellow parking sticker....
lol, how does driving through a place lower home values? This is the funniest comment I’ve read today. Star for you!
How was Snoke made a big deal and set up? Most of it was because of a 30 sec scene (if that), that fans took to meaning more than it actually was. Other than the fact that he seduced someone to the dark side, which many others have done before (see Revan, Vader, etc.)
Oh, ok... you mean more of the Evil Empire called the Empire being lead by a vaguely defined leader like Vader, with a vague title (I don’t even remember what his title was), and a vague personality that was... breath, do evil, laugh.
You mean like say... Emperor Palpatine? From the original trilogy?
I use the term hacker in the same regards as a modder... and most times they either say it themselves (if it’s raining money) or when you randomly see windmills spawning in the highway, or a train cruising down the road... you know that’s not suppose to be there
I can’t say anything about the consoles.... but I do know that the PC Servers have had a ton of people on them, at least near me. Very rarely did I see a server with less than 10 people in it. In some cases, after doing a few setup missions, my friends and I were placed in different servers even though we had just…
I disagree with this, but mostly because Benny’s update had a lot of “single-player type” missions, but had up to 4 ppl. Same with the heists and the new Doomsday heist.
I’ve been playing on and off since GTA released on the PC and I will say the hacking was horrible. But it has tapered off at least from what I can tell. Most of the hackers I’ve run into fall into one of two or three categories; 1) The hacker that makes money rain (very elusive and rare, but enjoyment when one is…
While I’m all for Keaton getting these things from celeb’s and movie premiers and stuff, I don’t understand the point of giving this kid a gofundme... I mean showing the kid it gets better (like he says in the video) is a great thing, but just giving him money isn’t what he’s asking for. And it won’t even help will it?
I just want to point out that I didn’t mention Armada for that reason... lol. I think his writing got a little better in terms of like... plot and not dropping certain points.
Sounds like some straight up Kingsman shit.
That’s fine and all, but when your comment makes no sense in regards to the actual article it makes it seem like you didn’t pay attention at all and just word vomited what you thought...
I just went on a vacation cruise and all my friends brought out 3DS’s with us and one even brought his switch. he carried it in a case and honestly he was able to carry it around with no real issues (bulk or weirdly placed etc.)...
You know this had nothing to do with what was said right? Nothing in this article was about him saying something wrong, it was the “username” he chose...
I enjoyed the book and the audiobook and most of the backlash is because it was “not well written” (though it was Cline’s first novel) and relies completely on nostalgia.
The best use of a gofundme or kickstarter (or asking for money in general) was the Batkid story.