
Oh, well if a YouTube video says so it MUST be true!

I assumed a book per season.

Good morning, to my fans.
Good morning, to my friends.
Good morning, to my family.
And good morning, to you.

what the heck is the Widow Howl App

So excited to see the same LA-based fuckin podcasts every week!


You've mugged yourself here, mate.

Sounds like we got a Templar over here.

I know I offered no justification at all in my critique, but what I mean is… like… I don't know how else to say it, but it's very "musical-y".

Everyone keeps saying that but to me it was just dull.

This pretentious article made me dislike the film that I originally liked. Ugh.

I read this piece and was super pumped to check out the show, but man all the clips people are posting are really lame :/

This was the second episode in a row I just did not laugh at. Get the season 1-5 writers back!

I love this show. It's probably my favourite comedy still on TV, and influences my own comedy a great deal.

Fuck I love this show. These reviews seem to overanalyse the comedy out of it, sort of in an Aspie kind of way, but look I guess a lot of us fans are a bit spectrummy.

You dullard.

Yes it's almost as if it's on purpose.

AV Club has jumped the shark.

I LOVE PFT but no.