They explain he's wearing a mask 5 minutes in? I missed that part then...
So having not finished Borderlands 2 yet, the Spy unlock for TF2 was kind of a spoiler (at least I'm assuming).
OK you're right, platformer was a bad choice of words. The 2.5D classic gameplay revival is more what I mean. Mario 64, Sunshine (I know some people hate on it), 3D Land, and Galaxy are some of the most memorable Mario Experiences for me.
He's the loveable underdog with something to prove. LEEGI!
I agree Luigi's personality is awesome in the mansion games. Would you say the same effect would come across if he's in a platformer? In the Mansion games, hes the scared brother who's only getting involved because he has to (and you feel that through the whole game). In a platformer he'll be a goomba stompin', brick…
I agree. I definitely was let down with the game design in the 2nd half of the game, but I love the evolution of Tazmily village. I still enjoy the combat in a nostalgic sense.
I love these "Direct" announcements, but it bothers me that this time Nintendo's boldest step was swapping Mario with Luigi.
Top Down Zeldas are the best Zeldas! Woot woot
Interesting. Not sold yet, but it's got my attention!
I ignored the past few New Super Mario games and I'll probably ignore this. Luigi's a great character in the mansion games for his personality, but I never cared for his platforming.
I thought the same, but it's a SNES game. Something I don't believe we've seen on 3DS yet
Say, "Fuzzy Pickles!"
Yeah, it just feels like adults doing some kind of grade school/childs dance to me.
I think they've also been delivering in the Playstation Plus free games dept. All those vita games + lately Vanquish, Dark Souls, Spec Ops the line, Megaman 9+10, LOTR moba. It really makes me regret paying for XBL gold.
It must be nice to live in a place with very reliable Internet! I live in a major city and yet my Internet still randomly cuts out on a weekly basis. Nowhere near as often as my electricity or mobile service. What an uninformed opinion for someone who should be in tune with his audience!
That's a lot of jobs! My heart goes out to the artists.
Did they really have to do this in front of a kids playground? You can see children playing in the background while they violently beat him down with a bat.
That is an awesome logo! I've been keeping an eye out for a good deal on Farcry (PC) since I came across the "Real life/Vaas experience" video last week.
I was wondering what the 8 bit intro music was about. This looks amazing!