
The main problem was the frame count varied between shots (some were smooth and some were not). If they were a little more consistent I wouldn't have really cared. You can tell the talent is there with the key poses, but my guess (being in the same position years ago) is they unfortunately were short on time and had

I liked this better than I thought I would :D

Only thing this video has going for it are a few well-framed shots. The lighting (specifically at the house) is really bad and I couldn't help but laugh when the bird stole Chell's picture. Talk about trying too hard to be dramatic ><

How do plot holes make for a bad ending anyway? There are tons of great movies with plot holes in them too. Do all their endings suck?

Give us difficulty settings instead of forcing us on easy! I finally got around to finishing Mario Land 3D and wished the more difficult 2nd play through was the normal game. When it's that easy, I feel like I'm wasting my time.

I was really disappointed with Dear Ester. Though now after playing it and knowing what they can do, I have higher hopes for this. I may give them another shot.

Now playing

Probably one of my favorite awkward TMBG songs.

Now playing

Reminds me of a video called This is Japan! I'd link it, but unfortunately the owner has taken it down. So instead do yourself (and your ears!!!) a favor by muting his music and replacing it with All My Friends, by LCD Soundsystem (which I've linked). MUCH better

Now playing

The Rhythm Heaven series makes me so happy whenever I play it. I was literally crying from laughing so hard when playing some of the 2 player coop stuff. Also, If you're a fan of this AND Team Fortress 2, you need to watch all ofthe Rhythm Fortress videos.

When they do, I really hope the ditch the serious style from Days of Ruin. Dual Strike was, in my opinion, the series at it's best and would love more of that with online play.

For me it'd be morel like a fosset that wasn't turned all the way off so it drips very slowly. I have most of what I want on steam, though I find it hard to resist some of these 2.50 impulse buys.

If you had to describe "That Guy", how would you describe him/her?

When I was a kid (some time around 1999 i think) I had a Gamestop manager loudly curse me out of the store because I was taking too long to pick a game to buy. What's the worst/best story you've heard of an employee outrage and what happened as a result?

If you plan on ever buying stuff on the app store, buy gift cards around Black Friday/Christmas time when they always go on sale. Two years ago you could find them 50% off. Last Black Friday the best deal I could find was around 40% off. It makes these overpriced games feel more reasonable.

Some foods count :) Celery, lettuce, grapefuit, and pickles (among others) actually have a negative calorie count, meaning you burn more calories by eating them.

Actually Valve have said on many occasions that the games would be "unlocked" (i.e. available to play without restriction legally) should any kind of shutdown happen.

If it's anything like American Bar-cades, even though she robbed them of $1570 worth of tokens, she probably only got enough tickets for a Nintendo DSi and a couple Pixie sticks.

Yeah they also call the pyro a "thing" and a "he". They cover all bases in the video so we still have no clue.

There's a guy at our renaissance festival every year that can do the Zelda theme on wine glasses. This guy seems even better though... That coin sound was spot on!

Nintendo, why do you always make me regret buying early...