
This is the first time I've heard someone referred to as "Your Grace" outside of Game of Thrones. Is that the honorific for mayors in the UK?

"This is a Starbucks card." worked for me as well.

The collision with andromeda won't happen until after our sun dies. Besides the distances between stars in each galaxy make it unlikely that many planets will suffer too much if any damage from it. Though it'll make for some really cool views in the sky leading up to it.

Our sun isn't scheduled to explode for about another 6 billion years. Of course we will need to evacuate Earth in about 3 billion years because our sun will become so hot as to boil off all of the oceans. But that is still a great deal longer than the 1 million years displayed in "Deconstruction".

That's a lesson you only get to learn once.

As soon as he hit her I thought: "Oh dude, you really fucked up now."

Come on now, some of those may only have been seriously injured!

I didn't read any comments or the article. But I figured Tyrion not dying would be too much of a spoiler for the Newbies comment section.

I am behind the show in reading the books (no spoilers in any replies please) but I knew there is a Tyrion chapter in the upcoming one. So I felt so confident that Oberyn would win. When the Mountain had his fingers in his eyes I thought: "I guess he ends up blind." And then his head popped.

I do agree it would have been better to keep us in the dark along with the characters. It keeps the audience from getting frustrated that no one seems to be able to figure this out, even if they have no solid clues to work toward that conclusion.

It makes sense that Garibaldi's motivation doesn't really make any sense. He's being controlled by Bester's programming. He can't verbalize it in a coherent way because he doesn't even understand it. It's an ex post facto justification.

Glenn doesn't strike me as the general manager type. Maybe he washed the cars.

The Dexter opening goes on a bit long and overplays out the premise as a result. Though the concept is really cool.

A few favorites:
Babylon 5 season 3

The dutch angle of the face and pouring wine suggest that there will be several scenes where people smoke cigarettes and sit in restaurants but never seem to actually eat.

About a week before The Matrix came out MTV ran a behind the scenes show on the movie hosted by Laurence Fishburne who right at the top asked: "What if you learned your whole world was actually just a computer simulation?"

I watched this episode tons of times trying to figure out the answer. I was convinced it was Barney because he looks around rather shiftily in the big crowd scene after Burns is shot.

An an addendum to that, using my free speech rights to criticize someone else's speech is also not a violation of that person's free speech. I really don't see how this is so complicated.

This was the only time I can remember saying: "holy shit" at the end of a Star Trek episode. Not coincidentally this is the point when DS9 eclipsed TNG as my favorite Star Trek series.

So in 4 months, Brody was elected to Congress, became enough of a rising star to be considered for Vice President, went on the run, recovered from a gunshot, kicked heroin, trained for his mission and got into Iran. Only Jack Bauer has more eventful days than Brody it seems.