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    @Festering Bovine: QuickTime is the multimedia backbone of Mac OS X and iOS.

    That’s it! I’m kicking your ass, AT&T.

    @Almightywhacko: Maybe when QuickTime is no longer the backbone of Mac OS X and iOS...

    @Wheema: Microsoft is the least open company on the planet. Apple is much more open in comparison.

    @Xagest: I think you missed the part where FaceTime is an open standard...

    @Yahweh Took My Prepuce: If you want to embed video on your blog, use YouTube or Vimeo. Both work fine on iDevices.

    @musiqrulez: Learn HTML5 and CSS3. There’s your future.

    @DaCapin: I don’t miss Flash at all, and it’s not a drawback. Other than viewing some obscure sites, Flash is unnecessary. Most sites support iDevices with actual web standards and there are thousands of free games in the App Store. I just don’t see any good reason to have Flash.

    I knew it sounded familiar...

    @viditbhargava: Are there many Android apps worth paying for?

    @giocrov: Worst. Easter. Ever.

    iPad is magical, revolutionary, and now delicious.

    "I’m American. I don’t care about soccer."

    @thinkthis: Regular people don’t want giant smartphones?