
A sculpture of Donald Trump made out of 400 pounds of nails with the phrase “TOUGH AS NAILS” on the base.

“Dalek” still has my vote for best single episode of nu-Who.

Oh, uh, that reveal sucks? Like, The Doctor is already special. She’s The Doctor. Making her some kind of Super Special Immortal Being is...what good does it do? The First Doctor being a weirdo who steals a Tardis because he’s curious about the universe and bored of his culture is a fantastic origin story. It leads

I wish they had actually been referred to as “Cyberlords” in the episode.

Dunning-Krueger is a real motherfucker.

Barry is not one of the best running backs of all time. He is THE best running back of all time! 

Well that just makes him more of an idiot for jeopardizing his source of income with his truly imbecilic behavior. EA did the right thing here, and the negative consequences to him were his own fault and were totally avoidable.

Which doesn’t make the penalty out of line, it just means he’s a moron for jeopardizing his income by being way out of line.

Again, by analogy if someone goes around threatening and harassing people at work, they deserve to get fired.

Doesn’t it drive you crazy that there are gamers out there so irritating that it forces you to do something so dirty like agreeing with EA on anything?

I can’t believe im siding with....EA...

Doesn’t seem too harsh to me. Taking away toys isn’t a particularly harsh punishment for a misbehaving child, so if an adult is going to actually make threats against people then this is the least I’d expect.

1. Oh, thank you! It’s what I thought, but then Donna’s review gaslighted me!

Mike hates Kai, as does the audience. We’ve all wanted him punched for a long time, and that was the last chance to do it.

Totally agree. I don’t think Doctor Who has ever done the hour long pacing well. Especially in the Moffatt era it always seemed like 35 minutes of build up and then 8 minutes of resolution (usually that love saves the day).

If Lalo does die, Saul won’t find out, as he thought it was possible that Walt and Jesse had been sent by Lalo.

That wasn’t Victor talking to Lalo & Gus, it was Juan Bolsa 😂👎🏻

It's like Jeffrey Sinclair going back and becoming Valen.

POV camera shot down the water spout. Yep, BCS is back!