Same reason I’ve given myself a permanent waiver on teaching preschool. Not my bag. That being said, I’m a lifer in the medical profession, and that blood on the floor makes me gag. It’s a testament to the uncalled-for violence that happened to her.
Same reason I’ve given myself a permanent waiver on teaching preschool. Not my bag. That being said, I’m a lifer in the medical profession, and that blood on the floor makes me gag. It’s a testament to the uncalled-for violence that happened to her.
Hey, your friendly neighborhood ex-bouncer and security person here.
I completely agree. If you’re in a high stress job where you’re dealing with violent people on a regular basis, you need to know how to keep your temper and subdue people as peacefully and non-violently as possible. He apparently was unable to do that.
It’s not the same, but my mom works with emotionally disabled kids.…
If the guy can’t control his temper or subdue a drunk woman without smashing her face in he has no business in that job.
I’m a long time Baltimore resident and the fucking national media has been absolutely shitty about the way everything has been covered. At no point were the rioters on Monday ever “protestors” but everyone on CNN and even MSNBC kept calling them that. There are 48,000 students in the public school system in the…
Ours was a unicorn wearing a veil and a t-rex wearing a top hat. The t-rex was then stomping on a tradition plastic little bride and groom thing from the dollar store. I made the whole thing myself. I think I paid maybe, tops, $25 for all the bits and pieces to put it together?
Okay sentimental teacher memory time...
Well, only if you have a grasp of history.
Neil deGrasse Tyson, the nerd we’d all like to be one day, continues his uncontested run as the best human being on…
For a second I was like, the DMV invented hair dye?
When I first transitioned physically and went to the DMV with all my paperwork in hand (proof of gender reassignment surgery, new birth certificate, social security, court ordered name change etc) the DMV woman tried to give me a hard time too. Thankfully another employee saw what was going on and took over for her…
Rights aren’t a zero sum game, you ass.
This infuriates me, mostly because I’ve been the victim of the Women Have Imaginary Diseases mindset.
That sucks. It was a really weird disease. At the peak of it, I slept for 2 days straight, and at one point I was driving around my neighborhood and I couldn’t remember how to leave. I got lost for about 20 minutes and was like, “Well...clearly I shouldn’t be driving”. haha.
I guess since it isn’t common here in…
If he maintains his significant lead Men’s Health’s “Ultimate Guy Search,” 27-year-old Aydian Dowling could be the…
I hope that was sarcasm, I really do. Because if it wasn't, you're a shitty, shitty person.
"No business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country"
A new study indicates that low wages are such a burden that fully half the fast food industry's workers must rely on…
amelia, it was just a false alarm. <3
"Sorcia, I'm in love with your best friend [a dude with a hilariously ridiculous name that I cannot post here]. We're moving to Virginia and I hope you'll be happy for us."