next time you’re in Tokyo, head to Yokohama. near Yokohama park there’s a place called Sisiliya.
next time you’re in Tokyo, head to Yokohama. near Yokohama park there’s a place called Sisiliya.
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless…
We’ve worked with the EFF and Internet Archive—their attorneys have determined the the DMCA and Library of Congress exception allows the distribution of many old games. They have thousands online legally.
So we only link to ROMs that meet the DMCA exception statue.
Keep Talking and no one Explodes is a really fun vr puzzle game if you haven’t tried it. Muliplayer as well. :D
Statik looks very interesting, one thing VR is lacking right now is some good puzzle content. Fingers crossed this will be a meaty experience.
“Photomode for Dark Souls where activating the photomode doesn’t pause the game”
Just give the person who didn’t rage quit a free win.
how can you say an animal, any animal, is more interesting than ‘refrigerator had sex with an alien’?
there’s a discord channel here:… (though it was stated to be for european players; doesn’t hurt to try..)
or you could join this other channel (focused on games made by Examu, not limited to NitroPlus Blasterz):…
or mizuumi’s #examu IRC channel (on the…
They have said a PS4 version is something they’re working toward, but they want to “finish” the XB0 version. I’d say look for an Gamescom announcement followed by a winter closed beta, if I were a betting man. I hope it’s sooner rather than later for you guys, it’s really great.
Just like Assassin’s Creeohwait
Mega Man X8 was a thing, and it was pretty good.
I believe so, it looks like it is listed on the Google Cardboard page about compatible viewers, so I’d say that’s a pretty good sign! Here’s the link:
you can grab the complete edition for 59 with the dlc on psn right now.
Bloodborne! EDF 4.1 when it comes out! DMC: DE! Magicka 2! Space Marine! Tomb Raider! All the things!
That’s because in Japan you drive on the left side of the road. :P
This is a very cool system. Divinities – ie, animal gods – will set challenges in exchange for the knowledge they represent. The snake god might ask you to sacrifice one of your own animals, or ask you to live as a snake for 2-3 days of game time, making you vulnerable and necessitating that you find your own food.…
Hey, Twitch folk, here’s an idea for you: Work with Sony on making Vita streaming as easy and accesible as PS4 streaming. That might work for both of you and would be a really nice feature for us consumers, considering the vita already has all you need for streaming (front facing camera, microphone, party chat, a…
Unbutton that shirt, soldier!