
I think it’s fair enough if people give nasty reviews to games that don’t work on launch. And I think it’s fine if they don’t have the attention-span or inclination to change their reviews when the games get fixed. My point was that aggregate scores are so often abused and gamed that you can’t really know anything

It’s amazing how insanely angry people get when you tell them that they’re not allowed to call other people racial/sexist/homophobic slurs.

How much of this generation was raised on 4chan that this is just totally normal behavior?

Their game, their rules.

There’s a good reason most people have stopped making game-in-a-game mods. Because if those games they come up with are interesting and worth playing, you better believe they’re going to pick up UE4 or Unity 5 and just make it their own standalone game. That solution is not only less hack-y, but also has the benefit

The Nexus currently lets you donate directly to modders. Which is direct, through paypal I believe. And there are a few modders who do Pateron. So, they already have a way to make money through those avenues. I just think we’re going to see a negative backlash on people charging for mods by the game creators.

Don’t tell me how to play my life.

It’s making me sad how many people are starring your comment. Smite plays nothing like a third person shooter, mah boi. :(

If you haven’t played Dark Arisen, you could get it pretty cheap now, probably. Plus you’ll get bonuses if you kept your old save game.

There’s few things more embarrassing to a lot of professionals than seeing people have an issue with balancing the scales regards gender. It’s one of the biggest stains on the industry’s rep. Every shred of research I’ve been privy to suggests there’s identical interest regardless of gender - assuming your content

I’m just saying that it would be awesome if the discussions we all have about this story could be, I don’t know, dinner-party-quality, minus any throwing of silverware. Be nice to each other and such. Or at least respectful. We can do this!

Honestly, I kinda get the feeling that the number of people that claim to boycott EA completely are really just a vocal internet minority, and likely comprised almost exclusively of hardcore gamers.

different team. ME2 is coming along nicely from what I’ve seen :)

Yes, there is a story. It starts like this:

The purpose of an embargo in this case is to both A) ensure for EA that all the Battlefront articles hit at once, causing Ultimate Buzz; and B) help writers out by giving them extra lead time and putting them all on the same level, so nobody has to rush to get out a preview 5 minutes after the event ends.

Me: “Oh, hey, this isn’t too bad so far.”

My total disinterest in Mortal Combat X just became 30% more validated!

“Sorrow and guilt”

That's a really metal way to get your prostate checked

oh man, that f***er on the stairs...

It's split up into US, EU, JPN and UK.