Mmmmmm, dunno, it’s a bit crude to call it “unified” imo....
Mmmmmm, dunno, it’s a bit crude to call it “unified” imo....
Not gonna lie, I’m a little peeved about the microtransactions, but I’m still looking forward to playing this, when it comes to android.
Winner’s attitude.
This is horrible....
That is absolutely correct, it is how the system works most of the time, but there are always trouble customers, missunderstandings, honest mistakes and stuff like that, and it’s at those times that the customer culture really makes a difference, big chains will make their employees do quite unreasonable stuff just to…
Eh, it’s complicated, I understand his frustration with japan’s customer-is-god culture, I’m honestly surprised this doesn’t happen more often, but this seems like he’s just gonna loose customers and get a bad rap, plus sounds like a huge hassle to even implement, do you have a bouncer at the door checking ids? I…
Hum, pretty sure that’s a valkyrie from macross with a diferent paint job?
Almost right, you forgot the part where you imply you are somehow superior to other human beings for... [checks notes] ...completing a video game.
This looks way more than just ok, this looks really good, a little great even...
Almost stoppped reading when somebody callled the devs “lazy”. That the reddest flag of all, never listen to a person that spouts that, nothing good or useful ever comes out of their mouths.
“Oh wow, stickers! These are going on the kids’ backpacks.”
“See if we took a stand, made a statement, we would have to grow a spine, and that would alienate the spineless following we let fester for so long.
Just curious, what’s the appeal of koth? I had disregarded it as just a cartoon that exists, but it seems to have this weird following online that I just don’t understand...
If I were to guess, I’d say the pod manufacturer never even made replacement units, I think they were expecting these to be a much bigger hit than they actually were, and so got a huge debpt to finish the initial building but then it fizzled out. I read about these buildings way back so I might be confused with a…
Damn, that's super clever, would fit right in with the scify look of the place...
Not that I buy this guys attempt at alturism for a second, but y’all need to install a password manager and stop protecting companies from each other...
I get where you are comming from, and all I can really say to that is that it falls on each one of us to try and be kind to the people around us, to be that person for people who maybe don’t have anyone else, as much as we are able of course.
Oh, I feel you, I’m plannig a big move to japan in a few months and between the feeling of wanting to bee there already and the reality of having to do so much prep work, I just don’t want to think anymore...
You know you are talking about a ‘gaming masterpiece’ when the discourse is mostly men discussing what is the adequate breast size for a woman to have.
I was thinking the same, people are quick yo make fun of other people's dance habits, but these kids are having good time and no one can take that from them.