Fuck this and all of their corporate euphemisms.
Fuck this and all of their corporate euphemisms.
Mmmm not working on me... It’s too glossy, and slick for that kind of “classical art” look. I think it works in the game because the pixelation provides some blur and suggests there might be texture to it, the kind of thing you’d expect from an oil painting, but on print it’s just a poster of an anime waifu, like you…
The idea of “hiring the best” is a bit misguided, of course you want to hire someone who’s qualified, but most (decent) companies hire people who might be a little green with the idea of training them, specially in japan where everything is a long term investment, the reason why a lot of japanese people become obsesed…
Ugh, does dragon marked for death really lean so hard on multiplayer? I had plans of getting it with a friend so we are probably covered, but I though it would be ok as a single player game too, since it looks so much like megaman zero...
“Rasputin cannot change his life.”
So... Basically deracine?
I guess if people like it can’t be that bad, but this does NOT look good, and the though of “hot chocolate with salt, pork and noodles” by itself already gives me some nausea.
Will the fallout never end??
Hot DAMN, golf is scary now...
Maybe I’ve just gotten old, but when I see these things all I can think about is how much dust they are gonna be gathering while siting on a shelf doing nothing, all for the afordable price of 100 bucks.
“give me your advice to make me a better girl”
Diagetic cameras is a gaming trend I can get behind.
This is the best timeline alright.
Comming up next, waifus now come with online passes.
Yeah, this seems a bit unreasonable...
Yeeeeaaaaahhhhh, right....
I lent my PS3 copy of this game to a friend the other day, it’s one of my favorites from the 7th gen, and I got this feeling of passing the torch that just made me feel all proud for some reason.
A grim reminder of the risk of digital purchases, and it's about the time I expect sony and microsoft do the same with the ps3 and 360...
Seriously, this guys is relentless, he needs to be put in chains!