Fun japanese language fact: “Tabi Kaeru” is actually a small play on words.
Fun japanese language fact: “Tabi Kaeru” is actually a small play on words.
Man, thus SUCKS. I think I already have all the online items, but still, what the hell are we paying PS plus for if games are gonna get taken down just ONE year after launch, what the hell is wrong with this people.
I can tottally see myself there in a few years...
At this very moment I literally canNOT even, emphatically.
I somehow find the porn version to be the less pathetic.... :/
BREAKING: Kotaku confirms major anouncement comming to TGA next week, says “don’t read the article, the headline is all you need”
I’m jus hoping to see something from FromSoft, anything...
I totally agree in that the platform wars are bs! When I say I’m biased against nintendo I mean that I always approach their stuff with caution ever since the wii u, and I can’t help but notice and maybe exagerate certain thing that people wearing the brand goggles might not notice or out right deny...
It wasn’t exactly fair, I know, but you know who I’m talking about, not the average user, but the fully religious supporters...
Man, I know I am biased against nintendo, but stories like this make nintendo fans sound like apple advocates...
Forever cursed be my ISP for letting me down in this most wonderful time of great thing to see and do online.
Well, games have been mostly about power fantasies for decades, it’s a medium that’s built on the foundation of beating and humiliating an opponent, be it AI or human. I would argue that these devs would be naïve to expect anything other than being beaten and humiliated, or at least have an atempt at that that made…
Man, you have no idea how BADLY I wanna play this, I’ve been following them since their first anouncement. I hopte it comes to PS4 soon!
Nice summary, and the pictures really help get the point accross.
Oh man, this is the best worst thing I’ve seen in a while.
“It felt good to see the fruits of my labor, so to speak, but at the same time I felt like I hadn’t really come very far. Neither of the two players I usually lose to had attended, and so I had no way to tell if I was moving forward. All I know is that I have a long way to go before I’m worthy of having all these…
Yeah, the place is called Rumor Plaza, I think kotaku listed it on an article about capsule hotels once, I stayed in Kyoto, near the Gion area on the eastern side of town, but I think Rumor is a capsule hotel chain, so you can probably find them in other places throughout Japan.
I think comparing video games to works of art is silly. Don’t get me wrong, I DO believe that video games themselves have an inmensly artistic value, but that’s the software inside it, not the disk or the cartridge.